Shipbuilding questions

You can always make masks in the same pass by using the alpha channel. At least that is the best method I ever saw to do it with.

I beta tested the original back on the Amiga and tested the Toaster for Newtek at the same time. I am a bit rusty as I gave up being a full time animator a couple years after the Toaster was released to the public and haven't done that much with it since other than a bit here and there. I just pic up a project like this now and again that peaks my interest now days.

Glad you liked it but the next ship should be way better now that I am getting back into things.

Nothing like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning. - Now let's see some Tiresmoke!


Originally posted by Tiresmoke:
**You can always make masks in the same pass by using the alpha channel. At least that is the best method I ever saw to do it with.

I beta tested the original back on the Amiga and tested the Toaster for Newtek at the same time. I am a bit rusty as I gave up being a full time animator a couple years after the Toaster was released to the public and haven't done that much with it since other than a bit here and there. I just pic up a project like this now and again that peaks my interest now days.

Glad you liked it but the next ship should be way better now that I am getting back into things.**

Dude, I can't even make a decent model, much less texture, so any ship that looks fairly good is great by my standards. <sarcasm> Can you help me?</sarcasm>

Peak should be pique, by the way.

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It looks good, I especially like the detail along the sides. I have a question about the diagram though, where is the fuel stored? 😛 Also, how big is it compared to the Leviathan? It looks about the same size or bigger in the picture, is it going to be competition for the Leviathan? I don't think the observation deck needs to be clear, but you might want to make it less bluish and fiddle around with it until you have a more glassy look. Overall, it's a very nice effort, especially considerring it's your first.

Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year.

It looks good, I especially like the detail along the sides.


I have a question about the diagram though, where is the fuel stored?

It's not on the diagram but there are centerline stores through the central axis that are not shown on the basic diagram.

Also, how big is it compared to the Leviathan? It looks about the same size or bigger in the picture, is it going to be competition for the Leviathan?

Bigger and no comment for now as I have not released much info on the upcoming plug as yet.

I don't think the observation deck needs to be clear, but you might want to make it less bluish and fiddle around with it until you have a more glassy look.

That same comment keeps coming up so I'll give it some though but likely at this stage won't change it.

Overall, it's a very nice effort, especially considerring it's your first.

Far from my first model but it is my first for this game. It served the purpose of learning some basics for ship add on's. Always glad to hear some positive feedback.

Here is a quick glance at my second attempt. Keep in mind that this is still early in the process and this has a long ways to go yet.

Posted Image

Oh ya, Orca... Don't expect a dumb race car driver to be an english major!

Nothing like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning. - Now let's see some Tiresmoke!

(This message has been edited by Tiresmoke (edited 12-21-2003).)


Originally posted by Tiresmoke:
**Posted Image

I like it. The first thing I thought of was the ship they fixed up in Titan AE when I saw it. The surface has a nice metallic sheen to it. The guns definately need more detail put into them, they remind me of EV. 😉 Also, the pods look like they'd fall off pretty easily. What's holding them on? (Maybe I can't see it because of the shadows.) Overall, it looks very cool.

Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun every year.

The pods and such are held on by structural fins that tie into the backbone chassie of the ship. I have no idea what Titan AE is though. I am guessing it was from a plug based on earlier versions of the game?

The guns and such still need work and like I said this was a pretty early model. I am still not real sure that the shape will stay the same but it is too early to tell.

Nothing like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning. - Now let's see some Tiresmoke!

Nope- Titan AE was an animated sci-fi movie that was released in the US a while ago. It didn't do so well, although it was (at least) a half-decent movie.

Nice ship. Maybe more surface detail? It looks kind of plain.

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Kinda sucks to use to much detail as when it is rendered it will only be 64x64 pixels. Details like hatches and such will be gone at that level. I notice even the guns get washed out at that level so all the work I am doing now will be mainly be for the shipyard pics.

Nothing like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning. - Now let's see some Tiresmoke!

Remember that there is a larger "Info" pic of the ship in which these details can be seen...

Sorry I forgot to mention it earlier, but when you are making spins, you should pretty much always use the (url="http://"")LASIK technique(/url) for the ship (but not for engine glows or lights). This alows the finer details of the model to be clearer "in game". ATMOS used this in NOVA to achieve the nice crisp detail that all the ships have 🙂


'It's only when you look at an ant through a magnifying glass on a sunny day that you realise how often they burst into flames'
- Harry Hill

Yes I tried that on the ARC as well. I was not real happy with the results and you can see what I mean by that here with this example on the new ship.

Posted Image

The edges are a bit too exagerated for my tastes. I think that works better with lower saturation though such as the colors on a Leviathan than it does with the colors I have used. Then again it is maybe somewhat a deal with personal taste and what I was looking for. I just don't like the results with that technique. Who know's, The glowing colors may grow on me yet. 😄

Nothing like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning. - Now let's see some Tiresmoke!

(This message has been edited by Tiresmoke (edited 12-21-2003).)


Originally posted by Tiresmoke:
**Yes I tried that on the ARC as well. I was not real happy with the results and you can see what I mean by that here with this example on the new ship.

Posted Image

The edges are a bit too exagerated for my tastes. I think that works better with lower saturation though such as the colors on a Leviathan than it does with the colors I have used. Then again it is maybe somewhat a deal with personal taste and what I was looking for. I just don't like the results with that technique. Who know's, The glowing colors may grow on me yet. :D**

Umm...I don't know why you think otherwise, but the LASIK technique did a much better job. Screw the edges. The regular method made it blurry and it's kind of hard to see the details, whereas the LASIK made it clear and crisp, and you can see the details easily and quite well.

Thanks for the method, Ewan/Jules! I'll be sure to use it!

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(This message has been edited by orcaloverbri9 (edited 12-21-2003).)

(This message has been edited by orcaloverbri9 (edited 12-21-2003).)

Orca I am glad your an expert at personal opinions. Especially mine. At least you helped me make up my mind to do things my own way. Thanks!

Nothing like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning. - Now let's see some Tiresmoke!

(This message has been edited by Tiresmoke (edited 12-21-2003).)

Personally, i prefer the LASIK'ed one too - i guess i like the sharp detail, but its all up to you.

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")

Well since Orca edited his post and is not telling me how I have to do it the subject is still open for debate. I don't take well to being told how I "have" to do something on a project that I created, unless I am being paid to do things a particular way.

Anyways both systems have merit. What I am uncomfortable with is the brightening of areas of the model such as the back of the weapon pods. I know why it is happening yet there is no good fix. With a largely greyscale pic LASIK makes more sense as you have more shade in the proper color tone region in a given palette. However once you get into a lot of color then LASIK tends to narrow that band as in a way it posterizes especially in such a small area.

I can get rid of a lot of the blurry appearance by shutting down AntiAliasing. I used it to prove a point though so that you guys could see both methods on the same screen as they would appear in the game.

OK That said my concern is for the glowing edges. However if everyone likes that look then I see no reason to dissapoint anyone. Especially when it just takes a couple simple steps to do.

Nothing like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning. - Now let's see some Tiresmoke!


Originally posted by Tiresmoke:
Orca I am glad your an expert at personal opinions. Especially mine. At least you helped me make up my mind to do things my own way. Thanks!


Your other post: ?

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
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