evn resource index

propably a question that merited more research (bbs searching), but eother way, i wanted to know if there's any way i can determine what a ship or any type of item in ev nova has which resource number (maybe an index of evn resource #s)?

(This message has been edited by Harbringer (edited 12-18-2003).)

Any editing program that you use will list items by resource #. Why do you need an index? The name of the item is right next to the number, and it's pretty obvious which item is what. There are several thousand resources in total (at least) for EVN, so there is no hardcopy list.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
(url="http://"http://htf.mondominishows.com/valentine/main.asp?seed=7375&serial;=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)

(This message has been edited by what_is_the_matrix (edited 12-18-2003).)

including evnew for pc? and btw thanks

Hope is an edulgance I don't have time for - matrix

(This message has been edited by Harbringer (edited 12-19-2003).)

Yes, EVNEW does the same thing. Also available from the "Add-ons" page is the EV Nova Reference Table, a huge Excel spreadsheet done by Azratax that has all the resources from the unmodified EVN game. Very handy, check it out.

To paraphrase Newton: If I was able to see anything at all, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants
Godsend to PC plug developers: (url="http://"http://www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW")EVNEW(/url)
(url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/walkthrough/index.html")Slagbah's walkthroughs(/url)

i will thanks

Hope is an edulgance I don't have time for - matrix