Converting Solar Lance into a turret

I'm trying to convert the Solar Lance into a turret. The outfit that I made to buy it works fine (I think), but I just can't seem to make the turret work. All info is copied from the EV Nova Data files, and I changed the weap resource to say it was a turreted beam weapon, and the outf resource says it is a turret, and bit 1 is set. Anything I missed or need to change? Help please!

oh, and I have been testing it by firing it at ships that I have targeted. Just so that's clear.


Try hitting W. It might be a secondary weapon. That's all I can think of.

Tried that. Didn't work. Thanks, though.

I'm using EVNEW, if that helps any.

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You might want to check the Modtype in the outf resource. Make sure it's set to 1; anything else and it won't be recognized as a weapon.

EVNEW uses a pull-down menu for that, and it is set to weapon, and I have the proper weap resource number in there. And it still doesn't work for some inexplicable reason.

If I was able to see farther than others (or at all!), it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants (or something like that):
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Under Guidance have you set it to Turreted Beam?

One thing you could look at is to open a Tureted BRL and see what settings it uses to find where the problem is. It is weapon 170 in Data 4 of the Nova files.

Nothing like the smell of burnt rubber in the morning. - Now let's see some Tiresmoke!

That happens to be exactly what I did. I'm going back to test it some more to make sure my outf resource isn't the problem.

To paraphrase Newton: If I was able to see anything at all, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants
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(This message has been edited by Gar (edited 12-17-2003).)

Make sure that the outfit is actually being purchased, and not removed. Check in your ship's extras, and see if it is there. If it is, I'd suggest comparing your turreted beam to the Ion Cannon, I believe that is also a turreted beam.

Also, make sure the resource ID's are within the valid range (See bible for maximum outfits and weapons).

Eat blazing electric death!

(edit: added things.)

(This message has been edited by SpacePirate (edited 12-17-2003).)


Originally posted by Gar:
**I'm trying to convert the Solar Lance into a turret. The outfit that I made to buy it works fine (I think), but I just can't seem to make the turret work. All info is copied from the EV Nova Data files, and I changed the weap resource to say it was a turreted beam weapon, and the outf resource says it is a turret, and bit 1 is set. Anything I missed or need to change? Help please!

oh, and I have been testing it by firing it at ships that I have targeted. Just so that's clear.


Just so you know: the bit that tells the weapon is a turret and/or a weapon in the outf ressource is just used for the guns/turrets limitation purposes, nothing to do with what the weapon actually does.

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the within range issue could be what is throwing it off. I'll take a look and make sure that's it. And I do know that the weap resource has it set as a turreted beam, and the outfit does show up in my extras. Thaks a lot, I think that may be it-I'll check tonight.

To paraphrase Newton: If I was able to see anything at all, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants
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Just a note: you're far more likely to get help if you tell us what problems you are experiencing. All we can do is guess at possibilities right now. If you want specific help, it's a good idea to tell us what's amiss. If you paid any attention to this post, thanks!

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Thanks, I'll work on that in the future. I thought i had used as many specifics as possible, but I left a few things out, like the all-important weap resource number which i now know is too high. It's working fine now. Thanks all!

To paraphrase Newton: If I was able to see anything at all, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants
Godsend to PC plug developers: (url="http://"")EVNEW(/url)
(url="http://"")Slagbah's walkthroughs(/url)