Vell Os tie fighter?

Okay, this is probably going to sound kind of...pointless, but whenever I look at the vell os ships I can shake the feeling that at least the javelin looks ridiculous the way it faces... I'd much like it if I could make a plug-in which simply changes the vell os graphics so that the double blue points are the front instead of the silver body. To sort of look like a...pyschic tie fighter thing. I just cant help but think that with the silver bit being the front it makes them look kind of worse. It's kinda..trivial but most of my freinds seem to agree, and knowing that it's probably changeable makes me want to change it myself.

In any case, it can't be that hard to flip them can it?

Can someone tell me how to switch the graphics around so the two blue points are the front on a windows computer? I've been playing about with the plug-in editor for windows but I couldn't figure how to do this by myself.


And Slagbah comes in with slag lock to turn this topic to the EV developers board!

some who did not know would ask "what is this way that gives him so much power?" and they were told "It is the way of Mrs. Marietta Cosmopilite, 3 quirm street, Ankh-Morpork, rooms to rent, very reasonable. No, we don't understand it, either. Some subsendential rubbish, apparently."


Originally posted by moUSE EE loiDE UZI:
And Slagbah comes in with slag lock to turn this topic to the EV developers board!

Ahem Please don't do that. As it happens, in this case, you are correct. This topic does belong on the EV Developer's Corner forum, but in the future, please leave that determination up to the moderators. Thank you.

Now then, iMove.

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Sorry about that, new here, not used to the layout, so on, thanks for moving it.


Open the Rle resources (D and 😎 and copy/paste them into an image editing program. Which one doesn't matter. It could be a powerful, sophisticated one, or a VERY basic one like Paint (horrible thing). Now it gets complicated. The first one, you can just flip. But the second one, you'll have to find the first one after the sprite pointing down and switch them. Continue till it looks right—it's very much merely learning from experience.

Good luck! 🙂

(I'd do it for you, but I don't have the data files on this computer, and can't connect to the computer that does. Damn OSX networking.)

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)

Actually, once you export them, it's easier just to switch the first 18 frames with the last 18 frames than to rotate them. Once you've modified the bitmap, create a new plugin with a new rleD resource, do an import on the modified bitmap, and make the ID the same as the original rleD ID.

Get (url="http://"")EVNEW(/url) - the free, open-source plugin EVN Editor for Windows!


Originally posted by Aprosenf:
**Actually, once you export them, it's easier just to switch the first 18 frames with the last 18 frames than to rotate them. Once you've modified the bitmap, create a new plugin with a new rleD resource, do an import on the modified bitmap, and make the ID the same as the original rleD ID.


I kinda said that. But I'm bad at explaining graphics. Meh.

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)
(url="http://"")Sephil Saga Website(/url)


Originally posted by orcaloverbri9:
**I kinda said that. But I'm bad at explaining graphics. Meh.


Key word, "kinda"! 🙂

But now that I think about it, I think Cryos has a point- it might look better flipped! Hmm. Well, go for it, Cryos, and post a screenshot for us when you're done. This could be a good intro to plug making/editting for you.

Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

I finished it. Question is, how should I compress it? (I have both the Mac and Windows Versions in the same folder.)

As soon as I get an answe, I'll submit it to the add-ons page so Eric can post it or die. 😄

(I'd post screenshots, but it won't let me in Jaguar. Meh.)

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)
(url="http://"")Sephil Saga Website(/url)

Eep? You already did it? I'm just starting tinkering with it, when I'm done I'll try and post screen shots, does the board let you attach them? I don't really use forums that much I have to admit 😛


I was thinking I might flip all the shipyard graphic and pictures too, just for the heck of accomodating for the flipped graphics, lol, thats just the same really Isn't it? Except from the pic and ...I think the target pics were in another section? You guys know better than me.


And do you have to flip the masks as well by the way?


Well, after thoughrough tinkering, I've decided I just plain can't do graphics, I kept trying to work it like puzzle pieces but I kept wondering If I had to leave the spaces the same, would it bugger it up until I drove my self half crazy, swore awhile, decided I'd pretty much never touch a picture editor, and so on ^^. As for how to compress the one youve done, I'm on windows, but if you compress it for mac It can still be converted, so maybe It'd be fairer if you compressed it for macs so anyone can use it?


First, I'd like to ask you to not double post, as people don't like it here. Edit your posts instead. Thank you 🙂

Answering you, now:

First post:
You could flip the shipyard pict too, but that would become a lot of work.
And yes, the pict are stored as PICT resources, and are in the Nova Graphic files.

Second post:
You'ld have to flip the masks as well, yes.

Third post:
There's no Mac only conversion format.
.sit, . zip, .tar etc files can be opened by every systems, if they have the right compressing/decompressing utility installed.

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