Horrible EV Sprite Sizes

I have played EV and EVN for a while, and I noticed that the sizing for most of the sprites are very unrealalistic. I am not directing this at the planet sprites, but at the ships and some other things such as asteroids. For example, how can 4 vipers + 2 anacodas fit in a Federation Carrier? I know about a project that changing that for the EVN: EV Port, but what about EVN? I have always been wondering why ATMOS made the fighters so small and the capital ships so... small. Is someone in the works for a fixerup for the sizes, or will i need to do it myself?

A plugin for this wouldn't be hard. All that needs to be done is to change the sprites and shans. I have windows and EVNEW, so all i have to do is import... Do you think I should make it, or do you think it would be too annoying having greatly varied sizes? Iv'e always found it weird that a Krestel is smaller than the two vipers it carrys put together?

"Starbridge captians are not good pilots; the Starbridge does everything for them."

I agree with your complaint, but it is just a game. I have no idea if anyone is making replacement graphics, but if they are, I encourage them heartily. I am currently too busy to do any real graphics work to do anything like this, but I hope that there may be another Magma, or something!


Madness takes its toll. Please have exact change.

There were some shots on the Nova board a couple months back that had drastically redone sprites for the Nova version of the classic EV...and the ships were friggin' huge. But sadly I havn't heard any news on it since then. :frown:

edit: Aha! Found it! (url="http://"http://www.ambrosiasw.com/webboard/Forum26/HTML/012712.html")http://www.ambrosias...TML/012712.html(/url)
Fat cat, small dreams.

(This message has been edited by LawnGnome (edited 12-03-2003).)

That's just the thing though. You start making ships proportional to each other and ships become impossible to fly - especially for those with smal screens. You get a couple of those Confed Cruisers in the screen and you can't see anything else. I agree it would have been nice to see some of the capital ships a little bigger but I think they're pretty fine as they are.

Personally I would avoid recreating the ships through the sprites alone. That other EV project looks awesome because each ship is being recreated. Aside from the improved engine, the big thing that separates EVN from the others is it's improved graphics. If you start just stretching the sprites you'll end up bluring the images and drastically lower the image quality. I say if this is something you want to do then actually recreate each ship otherwise just let it be - unless it's really something you have your heart set on. Photoshop is good but it can't magically retail image quality when increasing the size three fold.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"http://www.0three0.net/l-1551/")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things

basicly, most ships are as large as they need to be to look good.

scale would be nice in say Ares where the viewable space can change all the time. yet for EV. no.

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"You are the Messiah!" "No I'm not!" "Yes your are, I should know, I followed a few"

Interestinly enough, most of the capital ships in Nova are huge compared to EV or EVO.

Dave @ ATMOS

It's just a game.

It doesn't need to be realistic. If it were realistic, you could actually crash into planets, asteriods and other ships. And pirate ships could chase you into the next system and down to planet surfaces. And a ship with a crew of 5,000 would not have an only 75% chance of capturing a one-man fighter. It's OK, just play the game.

"You can't catch Jesus, he's the gingerbread man."


Originally posted by Sam_the_Smart:
**It's just a game.

It doesn't need to be realistic. If it were realistic, you could actually crash into planets, asteriods and other ships. And pirate ships could chase you into the next system and down to planet surfaces. And a ship with a crew of 5,000 would not have an only 75% chance of capturing a one-man fighter. It's OK, just play the game.


Actually, a ship with a crew of more than like 3270 has a 1% chance of capturing a 1 man fighter - it overflows. See this thread: (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/postdisplay.cgi?forum=Forum9&topic;=004850")http://www.AmbrosiaS...m9&topic=004850(/url)
Unless you have a fighter bay for it - in that case, you have a 100% chance of capturing it all the time.

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"http://www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW")www.aznt.com/EVN/EVNEW(/url)

AAC did a (url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/arcangel_c/SIZE.jpg")realistic, to-scale size comparison(/url) of Nova sprites once... the viper was abot 4 pixels long, and the Auroran Carrier wouldn't fit on the screen. The sprites in Nova are the way they are so that the game is actually playable, and modern processors and graphics cards can handle them. Think how stupid it would be if you couldn't pick out the wings of the Anaconda, but a space station took up 8 full screens. Lots of aspects of Nova are like this; realisticly, a Fed. Carrier would hold dozens of vipers, an Auroran Carrier would mount 150 turrets, and capital ships would cost a few billion dollars. But the game has put gameplay first.

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(This message has been edited by Neon Soldier (edited 12-07-2003).)