Please Point In Right Direction

Hello, once again i have a problem. Im Just gonna cut to the chase here what is a great/good Image creator/graphic program for the macintosh comp. on EVN. I did a search infact did it twice ut found nothing. Ive been looking at some of your peeps sigs but couldn`t find a link or webpage there so, I decided to ask. Does Anyone Know of a good program to use.

Thanks IK (aka DWB)

Tonight was a lesson, Praise Jesus, a lesson writin in blood, but once again we gather amid whispers and secret numbers. We gather and wait.

Photoshop is a good 'graphics program'. However, I don't know what you mean by graphics program - do you mean a 3D program or what? Please clarify.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
look through a faithless eye - are you afraid to die?

I don't do graphics, but Photoshop is THE program for editting graphics. I happen to use Appleworks for what I have to do, but again, I don't do graphics. For 3D, there is a pretty good free 3D program called Spectra. I think Jules still has a link to it in his sig, and links to some VERY useful tutorials. I use POV-Ray for 3D, but then I'm also a masochist.

Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

Bah! I'm still using mechanisto! I tried pov-ray out for awhile, but it was so dang different from mechanisto that I had no idea what the heck I was doing. Plus, just rendering the sample must've taken at least 30 minutes... though I've heard mechanisto renders fast.

Anyways, I'm no expert on 3d programs. If there are any mechanisto-like ones (That don't cost $300) I'm not aware of, please tell me. Please? And I wish I had photoshop. Bah.


Since you guys are on the topic of editing stuff...

I was wondering how you guys would go about loading sprite/pict graphics onto some program or something. On PC BTW. watches as everyone gives mean glare in my direction

"Hey look! A Pola-(boom)"-my thoughts when entering Nila'Mjolnir.

I recommend LightWave, Alias Maya and Blender. Blender isn't as sophisticated as the first two, but it's free.

Dave @ ATMOS

Maya is awesome, but it costs more than my car.

I use C4D, which works nicely for everything I have to do (once you get used to the interface and the weird way of making lathes, extrudes, lofts, etc.). It also has a really, really fast render engine.

(url="http://"")Star Wars: Nova(/url)
(url="http://"")SW:N Forums(/url)

I've never used it, but Strata appears to be very good. I personally prefer Lightwave for my modeling and Maya for my animating - thank God for student discounts! Until a couple years ago, I used POV-Ray as my primary modeling program.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
(url="http://";=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)

Thanks, I`m glad i posted this i had 15 grapic programs 3D and non. What I kinda think is funny is that i have all but 1 of the programs that have been said on this post Strata. Well intill my next problem/question Bye for now

Thanks, IK (aka DWB)

Tonight was a lesson, Praise Jesus, a lesson writin in blood, but once again we gather amid whispers and secret numbers. We gather and wait.


Originally posted by Echoboom:
**Maya is awesome, but it costs more than my car.

I use C4D, which works nicely for everything I have to do (once you get used to the interface and the weird way of making lathes, extrudes, lofts, etc.). It also has a really, really fast render engine.


And when EB says "weird" he really means "nurbs". Oh yea, and from what I've seen/heard C4D's interface resembles Maya's.
If you're only doing Nova-sprite-based graphics, render time really isn't that much of an issue.

But, oh, what a wicked world it was that drove a man to sin.