Making A Ship

First of all, how do I make a ship? I have heard of other people having "modded" ships. To make my own modded ship, do I have to make a plugin? If I do, how? Thanks in advance.


Changing EV in any way requires a plug (or editing the Data files themselves). Making new ships requires a 3D modeling program (or extremely proficient use of a graphics app - Photoshop for example). I'm not sure what you mean by modded ships. Any of the ships can have their stats and weapon loads changed to create "new" ships. Certain Outfits/Govts can also change the overall color of any ship.

In addition please seach this board for additional help on available 3D apps and creating ship sprites. It's been discussed already in great depth.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things

(This message has been edited by Kame (edited 12-04-2003).)

Sigh We get this question at least twice a week...

Sorry, but there is no guide to maing a ship. I remember that originally, I did all my research first, without once coming on and asking "how do I make a ship? How do I make a plug-in? How do I..."
</unintentional flaming>

Here's the deal: read the Nova Bible. It's in the Documentation folder that comes with Nova. If you're using a Windows computer, get (url="http://"")EVNEW(/url), the only editor available for Windows.

Now, if you're on a Mac, you have more options:
• (url="http://"")NovaTools + smaller, accompanying apps(/url)
• (url="http://"")MissionComputer(/url)
• (url="http://"")EVOne(/url)

From there, you'll have to use experimentation and such, and if you have any non-generic questions you can't find the answer to, come here and ask.

The programmer's code of entomology: there's always another bug.
Windows users: stop asking for plugins. (url="http://"")Make one yourself.(/url)

Ok, thanks. Sorry I'm a crying and whining n00b, in the future I'll do at least some research first.

(This message has been edited by angeloffury (edited 12-04-2003).)

If this is for EV/O and probobly even for EVN, I'd say its
a good idea to download a couple of plugs that add new ships. examine them and compare them with the original data files.

I think a modded ship means an original ship from the game that is modified. my first ship was a modded light freighter from EV. I changed its collor to yellow and made it faster and stronger.

of course, I'm not the best source of info because I still don't know everything about ship making.


If you want to make a ship that uses the graphics from a ship already in the game (like making, say, some special ship variant), you can creat just a ship resource and a coresponding shan resource to point to the sprites from the stock scenario.
If you want to do the above, but would like a sightly more distinctive graphic for your ship, you can use DeRLE or EVNEW (depending on your platform) to convert the RLEDs for the ship into a standard image, and then use photoshop to change the colors of the ship sprite and/or engine glows, before using EnRLE or EVNEW to put those RLE's back into a new plugin along with the ship resource for the ship you are making, and a shan resource that points to the RLE's you created. Make sure to give the RLE's an ID# not used by any RLE's in the stock scenario.
If you want totally new graphics, you need to model the ship in a 3d app and then render 36-64 images of it spinning (from an angle, like EVN ships are), then put those images into a grid, and use EnRLE or EVNEW to turn them into RLE's and then procede as above. I am not too big on the details of the process of going from 3d app to sprite image - I have never managed to comprehend even the basics of 3d modeling, so i havnt had a chance to learn.

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")

I'm still a little confused as to how to get the ship image right. In the shipyard, it shows up as an adult wraith, and the description is for an adult wraith too. The image for when you are flying around is for a wraith too. How do I change this?


Edit the files to reflect your ship. Looks like you just chose to the Wraith ship ID as your own. Or else choose a new ID for your ship.

Shipyard PICT: ship ID + 4872
Target PICT: ship ID + 2872
Large Shipyard: ship ID + 20000
Ship Desc: ship ID + 12872
Hire Desc: ship ID + 13872

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things

I'm using EVONE, and I don't know where to go to to change those things. I just copied the file from the original manticore, exactly the same, except for the name, and now the image is different... If anyone can tell me how to change the image in EVONE, that would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.



Originally posted by angeloffury:
**I'm still a little confused as to how to get the ship image right. In the shipyard, it shows up as an adult wraith, and the description is for an adult wraith too. The image for when you are flying around is for a wraith too. How do I change this?


It looks to me like you used the ID of the wraith for your ship. You can test this by going to wraith space and attacking an adult wraith. If it behaves like your ship, then thats definately the case.
You must use an ID that is not already used in nova (but is within the limits set out in the first section of the Bible)

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")


Originally posted by Azratax2:
**It looks to me like you used the ID of the wraith for your ship. You can test this by going to wraith space and attacking an adult wraith. If it behaves like your ship, then thats definately the case.
You must use an ID that is not already used in nova (but is within the limits set out in the first section of the Bible)

I want to use the image of the Manticore for my ship, as it is a mod manticore, but I can't find anywhere in the shďp file things that EVONE made, where it asks you for the image....


Well, I've figured out how to get the images, but when I buy my ship, it won't let me buy any outfits for it. Why?


You need to make sure your ship has bit 5A set in it's "contribute bits" section of the ship resource.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
look through a faithless eye - are you afraid to die?

