How do you find the ID of something? It's asking me for weapon IDs, but I don't know which is which. Help!


You need to read the "Escape Velocity NOVA Resource Bible".

It's in the "Documentation" folder that's inside your EV Nova folder.

Good luck, and have fun! πŸ™‚

Dave @ ATMOS

Thanks! πŸ˜„


Sorry for being stupid, but I have looked at the EV Nova Bible, and I still can't figure it out. I'm using the EVONE editor.



Originally posted by angeloffury:
Sorry for being stupid, but I have looked at the EV Nova Bible, and I still can't figure it out. I'm using the EVONE editor.

Well, some more detail would certainly help. Can you spell out for us:

  • Exactly what you're doing

  • What you hope to achieve

  • What exact error message are you receiving

  • What data field you're trying to edit

If you can get us that info, we can sure have a try at helping!

All the best,

Dave @ ATMOS

The ID of a weapon is simply its resource number. Most resources start at 128, and go up from there; in lists of resources, the ID is usually the first value before the name of the specific resource.

For example, if I wanted to give a ship in my plug-in, for example the Setalriitanius Imperial Dreadnought, a specific default weapon, and this particular weapon (BE-Condensate Laser Battery) was ID 157, I would simply put 157 in the appropriate field (in this case, WeapType). Another example: if I wanted to make an outfit of ModType 1 (a weapon- the Enlightenment Translation Torpedoes), and the actual weapon (EnTorps) was ID 265, I would put 265 in the ModVal field, so that if the player purchased the outfit, he would get the appropriate weapon. I don't know how EVONE works, but if it asks you for an ID, the principles should be the same.

(url="http://"")Fatal Alliance- an upcoming quasi-TC for EVN.(/url)
Secret Project: Nearing Completion. (No links available)
Visit the (url="http://";=20&SUBMIT;=Go")Chronicles(/url) today! Be sure to read the short story ' (url="http://" &number;=20&forum;=*EV/EVO+chronicles&DaysPrune;=100&article;=000262&startpoint;=")Fiery Descent(/url)'!
(url="http://"")Sephil Saga(/url): An upcoming TC, visit the web page today.| || Both the best and the worst plug-in editor for Windows! (url="http://"")EVNEW(/url)!


Originally posted by pipeline:
**Well, some more detail would certainly help. Can you spell out for us:

  • Exactly what you're doing

  • What you hope to achieve

  • What exact error message are you receiving

  • What data field you're trying to edit

If you can get us that info, we can sure have a try at helping!

All the best,

Dave @ ATMOS**

In response to each of the above points:

()Well, I'm wanting to make a ship that I can just have a plug-in for so that I can play as my edited ship.
)I hope to figure out pretty much how to do ship making in EVONE.
()I'm not really receiving an error message, I just don't know what all the IDs are. It asks me for weapon IDs, but I don't know which weapons have which ID. I also would like to know how to find out the different tech levels of the different "spΓΆbs" (did I get that right?), and how to find out other stuff like that, that isn't obvious enough for me to have already figured out.
)Lots...(/list=a) Thanks for the help.

(This message has been edited by angeloffury (edited 12-04-2003).)

Yes, but how do I find the IDs?


Browse through the weap category. You wil see a list of weapons with numbers beside them. Those are the ID's.

As far as tech levels go, open up a spob resource and take a look. It will tell you what the highest tech level is, and what specific tech levels it has.

The tech level one means that everything with a tech level lower then that will be allowed.

It also has specific tech boxes, which allow a certain technology with that level to be found there.


I'd suggest downloading the EV Nova Reference spreadsheet from the Add-Ons page. I find it much easier to quickly look for names, RID's, etc.

And, I hate to sound like a complete jerk... but, you may want to spend more than 19 minutes (the time elapsed between your second and third post) studying the bible.



Originally posted by slouch:
I'd suggest downloading the EV Nova Reference spreadsheet from the Add-Ons page. I find it much easier to quickly look for names, RID's, etc.

Thanks! I just looked at it, and my eyes bugged out of my head. :eek: It was just what I needed. πŸ˜„

(This message has been edited by angeloffury (edited 12-04-2003).)


Originally posted by angeloffury:
Thanks! I just looked at it, and my eyes bugged out of my head.:eek: It was just what I needed. πŸ˜„


Dave @ ATMOS.


Originally posted by angeloffury:
**Thanks! I just looked at it, and my eyes bugged out of my head.:eek: It was just what I needed. πŸ˜„

(This message has been edited by angeloffury (edited 12-04-2003).)**

Glad you like it. It's too bad my second version of it isnt up on the addons page yet. EVula seems to have been absent of late.

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")