I am building a ship and I need help

As the subject said I am bulding a ship and I need help. I am makeing a vell-os craft and I have sprites and I have made it a plug but when i buy it, it is a shuttle. This is because it has the same numbers ( can't remember the name) as a shuttle. All I really need to know is where the numbers are and what to change them to. I also HAVE the stuff I need to change them so all I need to know is how and where. I just remembered how would I submit my plug to the plug page? My ship Is called the Vell-os Spear.
-Black Panther

Dont ask me why but I like
cats. Why you ask. I
answer... I Duno.

You'd probably get a better response to this on the Developer's Corner.


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Originally posted by Black Panther:
**As the subject said I am bulding a ship and I need help. I am makeing a vell-os craft and I have sprites and I have made it a plug but when i buy it, it is a shuttle. This is because it has the same numbers ( can't remember the name) as a shuttle. All I really need to know is where the numbers are and what to change them to. I also HAVE the stuff I need to change them so all I need to know is how and where.

This question should be asked in the EV Developer's Corner forum.


Originally posted by Black Panther:
**I just remembered how would I submit my plug to the plug page?

Ask EVula; he's the one who runs it.


Originally posted by Black Panther:
**My ship Is called the Vell-os Spear.

Cool name.



Yes, I like my coffee hot and strong. Like I like my women, hot and...strong?

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you look through the nova ship files and find what the last base sprite rle8/D is, and you make your rle8/D the next number after. Repeat for engine glows and whatever. Then you make your shän be the same resource ID as the ship. If the ship is 128, then it'll replace the shuttle. Again go through the nova ship files and find the last ship. Make your ship the next ship, and tada, you're done.


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