Item Descriptions

Using EVNEW how does one modify item descriptions?

It takes a clever man to turn cynic and a wise man to be clever enough not to.
~ Fannie Hurst ~
A cynic is a man who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin.
~ H. L. Mencken ~

Changing (or creating new) outfit descriptions is pretty easy.
First, go to the outfit resource you want to change (or create) the description of.
Second, look under the "Require Government" or to the right of the "Mod Type 4" fields. There will be a statement that says "Outfitter Desc ID: ####". This number is the ID of the description you need to change (or create).
Finally, go to the desc portion and change (or create) the ID from above.

That' all you need to do. 🙂

One by one
the penguins come
and steal my sanity...

The item descriptions are stored in desc resources.
Desc 3000-3511 are used for item descs, (ie, 3000+Index number, or 3000+RID-128).
Index numbers are the resource ID # of the outfit minus 128.

To change a desc in EVNEW, make a plugin that has a desc resource of the appropriate ID. So if you wanted to change the desc of the hail chaingun (RID 155) to describe how it was made by Joebob's Gunz and Stuff, you would make a plugin and create a desc with ID 3027 and enter your new desc. Creating descs for new items is done similarly (Though of course the desc can go in the same plugin as the outfit).
If you just want to modify an existing desc, like adding "This particular unit was made by Joebob's Gunz and Stuff" to the end, you would want to open the nova data file in one instance of EVNEW and copy and paste desc 3027 (or whatever the appropriate one is), and then modify it as you wish.

Look in the desc section of the bible for more information and the IDs for other descs.

It is here. EVNEW Public Beta (url="http://"")

I'm not sure if Aprosenf has updated the EVNEW beta yet, so you may want to check the desc after you save it to make sure it's all there in case EVNEW fails to save the very last character.
If it's missing the last character, put it back, and add random character to the end, so EVNEW doesn't save that character instead of the one you want.
If it isn't missing, disregard the above statement.

Time flows faster on the sun.

Yes, there is a minor bug that somehow went undiscovered where the last character of descs gets deleted when you save them. It's been fixed for the next version.

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