any info on pc plug in makers

i got a question i asked before about a few months ago when will i be able to make plugs on the pc side with out using emulators to do. Is there any current programs in the works for the pc side?

Don't think about attck me, it will be your last battle

(url="http://";=9")Search(/url) first. I believe that a number of topics have been posted on this subject before. In the recent past in fact.

Here's one:
(url="http://"")Windows EV:N Plugin Development(/url)



yeah i checked that one that u gave me and that is from march

Don't think about attck me, it will be your last battle

Well, if you had looked down the first page of topics on this board, you would have seen one called "(url="http://"")(ANN) Seeking Beta Testers for Windows EVN Editor(/url)". Maybe that topic will give you some clue to how close an editor is 😉

(edit)added link(/edit)
Who is John Galt?
"I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)

(This message has been edited by MickyBIs (edited 10-22-2003).)

awe hell i feel stupid now i saw the (ANN) part but that was about it

Don't think about attck me, it will be your last battle

(This message has been edited by Borgie (edited 10-22-2003).)

Hands Borgle a free sample of punctuation™

See your computer keyboard for more information of what punctuation is. Punctuation can generally be found to the right of the m, l and p keys, and is reccomended for webboard health and clarity of information.

As for the question, well I guess it's answered now, but I hear basalisk II isn't too bad at running res edit, have you tried using that? (I know you said without emulators, but I hear it works well)

Thanks... 😉


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

thanks micky i found it and sent the guy an email to be part of his round 2 beta when ever that happens


Originally posted by Borgie:
thanks micky i found it and sent the guy an email to be part of his round 2 beta when ever that happens

I also think a healthy dose of the punctuation and shift keys are in order here. Hint: the letter 'i' referring to yourself is always capitalised, as is the first letter of a sentence. Full stops are in order at the end, and commas are more than welcome in the middle 🙂

(url="http://"")Me, online!(/url)
Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong. Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Originally posted by blackhole:
**I also think a healthy dose of the punctuation and shift keys are in order here. Hint: the letter 'i' referring to yourself is always capitalised, as is the first letter of a sentence. Full stops are in order at the end, and commas are more than welcome in the middle:)


Seant arches an eyebrow at the lack of a full stop at the end

Mac<-->PC pilot file Conversions: (url="http://"")http://phair.csh.rit...V/PilotConvert/(/url)
"Create enigmas, not explanations." -Robert Smithson


Originally posted by seant:
**Seant arches an eyebrow at the lack of a full stop at the end


Borgie: Punctuation brings an additonal "clarity" to the items you choose to post. Since our oh-so-exaulted craniums can only clock 22 HzÅž, wasting several clock cycles trying to comprehend what you are attempting to say increases our response time, and decreases our overall efficiency.

With that, "Stop heil!"

ÅžNote: this statement is based off of hearsay by U of R CS students. Chuckles does not guarantee the accuracy of this statement.

"If you can't feel the Force, you're not pushing it." -Prof. Li on the "Force"
Got g?
(url="http://"")Real astronomers use kilometers. Hardcore astronomers use centimeters.(/url)

Aprosenf's EVNEW for windows is in beta 1.0.5

I am beta tester on it. It can handle almost every resource type with full functionability so far, and development seems to be going very quickly.

I have no clue when the second beta round starts, but there's a little "heads up" on the status of it. It looks like it will be a great plugin editor, and prehaps start a trend of PC editors <_<.

Anyhow, all you PC users can now have somthing to look forward to ;).

(url="http://"")Oblivion:(/url) An upcoming TC for EV:N
I am also known as Demon1s and Vortex


Originally posted by Reo:
**Aprosenf's EVNEW for windows is in beta 1.0.5

I am beta tester on it. It can handle almost every resource type with full functionability so far, and development seems to be going very quickly.

I have no clue when the second beta round starts, but there's a little "heads up" on the status of it. It looks like it will be a great plugin editor, and prehaps start a trend of PC editors <_<.
Anyhow, all you PC users can now have somthing to look forward to ;).

Yep. I too am beta testing EVNEW. I am really liking it. It is an Excellent Editor. Only thing it needs is a visual syst positioner. It gets better and more usable every version, and the development is going rapidly.



Originally posted by Azratax2:
**Yep. I too am beta testing EVNEW. I am really liking it. It is an Excellent Editor. Only thing it needs is a visual syst positioner. It gets better and more usable every version, and the development is going rapidly.


alright thank yo u for telling me. i can't wait! 😄