Modeler Needed - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Greetings, our Dev team is looking for one more experienced 3D Modeler. (ships etc.)
If you want to join our group and lend a hand, let us know, Reply here or email me at:

If you have any questions, let me know, this is going to be one of a few projects. No one is required to stay with the group after the current project is done. We are working towards good plugs and a good dev team, we do not want to burn anyone out.

(EDIT)Hi, yes. Sorry I did not mention much about it. I did NOT put that info on purpose. I want to strike interest.. But I guess I should give alittle more info.


A.What is it: Its a TC-But not HUGE. Like a said, I DONT want to burn anyone out.
B.What I have done: Nothing so far as the "Nova Plug Community" but I have lead other projects before.
C.What it is about: Well, this is info that will not be posted here. Please email me.
D. Uhhh. What else? I am not looking for a pro modeler. I am building a dev team that will be learning new things together. this group is not for everyone.
i hope this helps a little bit. I like sending private emails to the ones that are most interested.

shoot any questions my way.



Sorry if this seems harsh, but I'm getting tired of this.

(1) If you deign to search the boards, you will discover that people ask questions similar to this several times a week. The thing is, nearly all the graphic artists here are entirely unwilling to lend their time to a project that you have provided NO useful information about and is entirely unfinished.

(2) Please don't post topics with pointless punctuation in them. Fifteen hyphens DO NOT help you get your point across.

Rectify these things and you may wish to try posting again.

Posted Image

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
-esw-dragoon_77 is in my signature for no apparent reason

(This message has been edited by Mazca (edited 10-19-2003).)