Request for a Plug: Toughen up Nova...

I dont know if someone has already done it, and I'd do it myself if I wasnt burdened with a PC, but can someone make a plug that toughens up all the non-trading ships (e.g dont both with Terrapins).

Im not asking to change their stats or anything, but it has always struck me that governments in Nova underutilize their ships. Why is there so much space left over on stock models? I mean, the Light Fed Carrier variant has two 'conda bays to hold two ships!

I think it would also make for any interesting discussion of how best to arms ships given their preset AI types.


I think it would be cool to see a more dynamic balence system, where skill comes into play more then the amount of ships you have in your fleet. I HATE planetary defence fleets, just wave after wave of the same ships with dumb ai.

"Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the the universe."-Albert Einstein

I believe someone recently released a plug that modified several things from ships to weapons to outfits to make the game more difficult. It's on the Add Ons page.

As far as making the combat environment more dynamic, I'm currently messing around with making nearly every outfit affect the speed of your ship. Basically, the more crap you put on your ship, the slower it will handle. Even things like missles have an impact so that as you unload your ammo, your ship will start to respond better. Also including some other engine mods to help offset the changes and increase performance. Right now it's just a personal experiment for a possible future TC but I might release it if everything comes together well. Balancing the outfits and ships is the most time consuming part. Course it makes gameplay quite a bit slower as well and I know there are a few people out there that think Nova as it is is too slow. But it's definetly more challanging and dynamic this way. What you buy just has a greater impact on how you fly.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things


Originally posted by Kame:
I'm currently messing around with making nearly every outfit affect the speed of your ship. Basically, the more crap you put on your ship.

That's a very nice idea, Kame. Worth pursuing and releasing, I'd say.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
japanese woman, you broke my heart, now you must play the part, where you come running back to me, don't be so surprised, I cried for you while you were sleeping

Kame, I like that idea. It seems like it would be kinda challenging, cause you cant make outfits reduce your speed by a fractional amount, and you dont want 100 missiles to slow your speed by 100 points. Personally, i think accell and turning are better targets for reduction - makes more sense physics wise.
Good luck on it. Seems in the same vain as the disrepair system i talked about a day or two ago.


(This message has been edited by Azratax2 (edited 09-25-2003).)


Originally posted by Azratax2:
**Personally, i think accell and turning are better targets for reduction - makes more sense physics wise.
Good luck on it. Seems in the same vain as the disrepair system i talked about a day or two ago.


:redface: That's what I meant to say. For some reason when I think of increasing mass I think instantly of slower speed because the change makes things react slower. Turning and Acceleration are actually the values I've been changing. We'll see what happens with it though. Anyway... It'd be interesting to see what kind of environment we'd create if everyone stuck their engine ideas together in one plug. I just wonder how different the play style would become.

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things


Originally posted by Kame:
**I'm currently messing around with making nearly every outfit affect the speed of your ship. Basically, the more crap you put on your ship, the slower it will handle.

For more thoughts on this subject see "Mass_Is_Mass" in (url="http://"")http://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/010940.html(/url)

I was thinking more along the lines of having the weapons firing draining fuel at the same time, so you would be forced to buy solar panels etc. to last in a long firefight. If you can't shoot, you can't kill anything...
Just an idea. I started working on it near the end of the summer, but I dropped it because I got a new computer that could play Warcraft III. (My old one was a 133 Mhz piece of junk. My new one is a 1Ghz eMac!!!) Reply if you're interested...


Originally posted by Casual Observer:
**For more thoughts on this subject see "Mass_Is_Mass" inhttp://www.AmbrosiaS...TML/010940.html **

There's that thread! 🙂 Been wondering about those plugs. Anyone know what became of them? I tried searching the Add Ons but didn't have any luck. I'm curious to see what how they adjusted the Accel and Turn rates.

Well, for those that are interested here's a little prelim of what I've come up with. I edited everything with a value of minus 2 points of acceleration per 5 tons with similar values for turning. If you'd like to fiddle around with it feel free. You can get a copy (url="http://"")here(/url). If anyone has any comments concerning ship speeds, or anything else please say so. This is just outfit mods and the same limits on amounts allowed has not been changed. There's been no changes to the ships. Personally, I think it work well and makes playing a little more realistic leaving the ships as they are. And yes, I know about the armor upgrades. I have a different way of implementing it but I'm going to wait and change that in the future.

My intent for this in the future is to completely adjust nearly every outfit to reflect simply my own idea of how the outfits should be mounted and what should be able to carry what. Being able to stick an entire platoon on a Thunderhead just seems rediculous. I think I'll just leave the details there for now but when I have it together I'll let you guys know 😉

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things

(This message has been edited by Kame (edited 09-26-2003).)

One problem with having an acceleration/turning penalty based on mass of the outfit is that it should make less difference to a massive thousand ton warship than a 10 ton fighter. Stick a 15 ton railgun on a fighter and it should make a pretty big difference to its performance, but a capital ship should hardly notice. One way to resolve this problem would be to have several versions of each outfit, for different size classes of ship.

(url="http://"")Classic4Nova plug-in(/url)

That's the exact same problem I considered as well. Hadn't really given much thought to a workaround. I think your right about the multiple outfits thing. Considering I was thinking about making certain outfits exclusive to certain types of ships anyway it wouldn't be a bad idea to include that. But, we'll see what happens 😛

I used to jog but the ice kept falling out of my glass.
(url="http://"")L 1551(/url) - The official site of RONIN and The Way and the ten thousand things