Default Gšvt Strings

How do you give a Govt a STR resource for their Default replys? Searched, nothing. Looked in bible, nothing.

Thanks in advance
-The Cheat

(url="http://"")Unreals Fourms(/url) (url="http://"")Unreals Lair(/url) (url="http://"")

Check Appendix III - Patching STR# Resources
Govt-specific greetings for comm dialog - 10000-12559 (first 10 for govt -1, second 10 for govt 0, third 10 for govt 1, etc.)

(url="http://"")Classic4Nova plug-in(/url)

Gs<caron>vt? WTF?
There is so much I have to learn about development for Nova...

The programmer's code of etemology: "There's always another bug."
(Etemology is defined as the study of insects.) (Or was it just bugs in general?)

Thats what the wierd o in govt shows up as on a PC.



Originally posted by Azratax2:
**Thats what the wierd o in govt shows up as on a PC.


It's not a Mac/PC thing, but rather a text encoding issue. I have my default in Safari set to Western (ISO Latin 1) and got weird stuff. Switching to Western (Mac OS Roman) got the normal stuff back. Unicode (UTF-8) makes the o disappear completely.

(url="http://"")Classic4Nova plug-in(/url)


Originally posted by Jonathan Boyd:
**It's not a Mac/PC thing, but rather a text encoding issue. I have my default in Safari set to Western (ISO Latin 1) and got weird stuff. Switching to Western (Mac OS Roman) got the normal stuff back. Unicode (UTF-8) makes the o disappear completely.



Try changing the font to either LucidaGrande, Monaco, or Helvetica.
I say these, because I have no problem seeing all sorts of wacky symbols, and these are my three system, app, and fixed fonts.


T the Omnipotent went where no mortal had gone before. Now he comes back to make sure none do again.
(url="http://"")Oblivion:(/url) An upcoming TC for EV: Nova
Visit (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) for a wealth of knowledge.

Okay, I feel better.

The programmer's code of etemology: "There's always another bug."
(Etemology is defined as the study of insects.) (Or was it just bugs in general?)


Originally posted by orcaloverbri9:
**Okay, I feel better.


Cän ˙öü rëäd thďs?

Cân yôű ręâd thîs?

Cán yóú réád thís?

Căn yőu reăd this?

ĺ ß ? ƒ ? Ź ? ? ç ? ? ľ <= >= ÷
Á Ř ? Ĺ Í Î Ď Ó Ô Ň Ú Ç ? ? Â ż


T the Omnipotent went where no mortal had gone before. Now he comes back to make sure none do again.
(url="http://"")Oblivion:(/url) An upcoming TC for EV: Nova
Visit (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) for a wealth of knowledge.

Yeah, the characters with umlauts are encoded differently on Macs and Windows. On Windows, ä is 0x84, ë is 0x89, ď is 0x8B, ö is 0x94, ü is 0x81, and ˙ is 0x98. On Mac, ä is 0x8A, ë is 0x91, ď is 0x95, ö is 0x9A, ü is 0x9F, and ˙ is 0xD8. Pretty much anything over ASCII 0x80 is different across platforms, which basically includes all accented characters. The é is another example from spob Kiniké.



Originally posted by Aprosenf:
**Yeah, the characters with umlauts are encoded differently on Macs and Windows. On Windows, ä is 0x84, ë is 0x89, ď is 0x8B, ö is 0x94, ü is 0x81, and ˙ is 0x98. On Mac, ä is 0x8A, ë is 0x91, ď is 0x95, ö is 0x9A, ü is 0x9F, and ˙ is 0xD8. Pretty much anything over ASCII 0x80 is different across platforms, which basically includes all accented characters. The é is another example from spob Kiniké.


On a Mac, opt-u= ¨
think differentŠ

T the Omnipotent went where no mortal had gone before. Now he comes back to make sure none do again.
(url="http://"")Oblivion:(/url) An upcoming TC for EV: Nova
Visit (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url) for a wealth of knowledge.


Originally posted by Krypt-tokh6:

Try changing the font to either LucidaGrande, Monaco, or Helvetica.
I say these, because I have no problem seeing all sorts of wacky symbols, and these are my three system, app, and fixed fonts.**

Mine are set up the same. Safari will override them, however, with whatever fonts you have set in its preferences and of course web pages can override that if they so desire, unless you say otherwise of course. for instance, this pages tries, in order, Lucida Grande, Geneva, Veranda, Arial and finally Helvetica until it fins a font your computer has.

(url="http://"")Classic4Nova plug-in(/url)


Originally posted by Jonathan Boyd:
**Check Appendix III - Patching STR# Resources
Govt-specific greetings for comm dialog - 10000-12559 (first 10 for govt -1, second 10 for govt 0, third 10 for govt 1, etc.)


I dont get how to do that.

(url="http://"")Unreals Fourms(/url) (url="http://"")Unreals Lair(/url) (url="http://"")


Originally posted by The Cheat:
**I dont get how to do that.


It's not that hard.

Pretend you'r making a STR# resource. Simple, right?

Well, imagine ResEdit turned cruel on you one day and made you use a seperate resource for each string. So, if you have a...DAMN IT'S HARD TO EXPLAIN!

Okay, let's pretend you have STR# resource 128, but you only want to replace #43 of the 64 in there. Now let's pretend that 128-191 are the STR resources to replace the strings in it (i.e. if you want to replace #1, use 128, #2, use 129, etc.). Simply take 128, add 43 (or whatever your number is), and subtract one. In this case, you get 170. So, you make a STR resource with an ID number of 170, and type in whatever. EV/EVO/EVN will automatically disregard the string in the STR# resource and use the STR resource instead.

Do we understand a little better now?

The programmer's code of etemology: "There's always another bug."
(Etemology is defined as the study of insects.) (Or was it just bugs in general?)