Multiple universe

Does anyone know of it would be possible to build a split nova/override/classic universe using the nova engine. i have major trouble converting original resources to nova format, and was wondering if someone could offer any ideas. I also think that this would be a pretty good plot idea for a quasi-TC.

Thanks in Advance



Jonathan Boyd has done something like that.

I've never bothered to test it, but (url="http://"")Classic4Nova Plug-In(/url).

It's funny until someone gets hurt.
Then it's hilarious.

(This message has been edited by Gus (edited 09-23-2003).)

EVONE can convert most of the resources for you. You only have to redo scanmasks and convert the PICT's to rle's. In any case it saves you alot of time.


-Nothing lasts forever-
((url="http://"")EVONE 1.0pb2 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)
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There isn't enough room left after the original Nova scenario for EVO to be added to the universe, but EVC can be. As already pointed out, I've done this and added a few extra little bits of my own. Plays slightly differently to the old EVC now. More challenging I hope.

Incidentally, simply sticking EVC into EVONE and asking it to make a Nova plug won't help at all because you need to move the resource IDs high enough to not be overriding Nova ones. Then you need to make sure that descriptions and graphics are being properly referenced following conversion, change mission bits to avoid conflict with Nova and move aux dudes (which will now have IDs higher than 255, thereby falling victim to the infamous aux dude bug) to new missions with special ships which are triggered and aborted by the original mission. It's actually quite complicated. What was original a 4 hour project turned into several weeks of continuous testing and bug fixing. In fact, I should have another patch coming out soon. Hopefully the last one.

(url="http://"")Classic4Nova plug-in(/url)