Engine experimentation

Anyone ever wonder what happens if you create a ship with 0 velocity? Interestingly, it can still propel itself. I've conducted a few experiments with inertial vessels.

  • Positive turning, positive fuel, positive acceleration:
    vessels can move with speed equivalent to their acceleration.

  • Positive turning, positive fuel, zero acceleration:
    vessels which jump in immediately turn round and jump straight out again.

  • Positive turning, zero fuel, positive acceleration:
    vessels can move with speed equivalent to their acceleration.

  • Positive turning, zero fuel, zero acceleration:
    vessels just sit there, turning on the spot.

  • Zero turning, positive fuel, positive acceleration:
    vessels can move with speed equivalent to their acceleration.

  • Zero turning, positive fuel, zero acceleration:
    vessels which jump in and sit there.

  • Zero turning, zero fuel, positive acceleration:
    vessels can move in a straight line with speed equivalent to their acceleration until they round the system warping point, when they get a big speed boost.

  • Zero turning, zero fuel, zero acceleration:
    vessels just sit there.

Haven't tried with negative values or inertialless ships yet. I imagine that negative values are simply equivalent to very large positive numbers. I don't think being inertialless will make a difference.

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/jonathanboyd/evn/index.html")Classic4Nova plug-in(/url)

This is odd.

The second-to-last one is interesting.

I would love to see how things behave with negatives and with inertialess ships.



Originally posted by Azratax2:
**This is odd.

The second-to-last one is interesting.

I would love to see how things behave with negatives and with inertialess ships. **

It was weird. I was following a ship with 0 speed, 50 accel, so I assume it was doing 50 speed, in a ship that could do a few hundred. Absolutely no problem for quite a while, the it suddenly leapt off into the distance and flew off my radar. Too slow to have gone to hyperspeed, but too fast for normal engine operation. Weird.

(url="http://"http://homepage.mac.com/jonathanboyd/evn/index.html")Classic4Nova plug-in(/url)

This raises a lot of interesting possible things that could be done in missions. for instance, you could make immobile drone bases that can only turn...



Originally posted by Azratax2:
**This is odd.

The second-to-last one is interesting.

I would love to see how things behave with negatives and with inertialess ships.


Give a ship negative turning and see how the AI deals with it.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
(url="http://"http://htf.mondominishows.com/valentine/main.asp?seed=7375&serial;=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**Give a ship negative turning and see how the AI deals with it.



It goes opisate of what it wants to! No but it would just come out to 0. But if you put -20, that means that the ship will still have no turn if the player buys a turn increase of 10.

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