Nova Plugin Recruiting Pilot Trainer Plugin

Im picking up the Pilot Trainer Plugin that Unreal Centipede dumped. I am looking for some pepole who will help.

I need the following:

Map Maker
Mission Writer
And Number Cruncher

Now unlike Unreal Centipede, This Will not be vaporware.

Stuff you are going to ask:
What does it do?
It makes some missions to diffrent systems to help you battle in the worst possable conditions.


Number cruncher? What would he do?


Azratrax2: Abuse the bits. Plain and simple.

Terra SW: What exactly is the story behind your idea? Where do you want to have it go? Are you willing to go through the agonies (no, that is not an overstatement) of taking an idea and outputting it into reality. Have you written any design documents? How detailed are they?

You may think I am being harsh, but it is the questions like these that give you the focus for doing the project. Having an idea is great, but it is the planning that make it possible.

Tell me more about your idea.

(Edit: If I could spell, it would be useful.)
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Got g?
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(This message has been edited by Chuckles (edited 09-16-2003).)

I'm a little confused.

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"When you burn your bridges, just make sure they aren't in front of you." -mrxak

I too would like to see more about the plan for this plugin. How much space is it going to add to the map? I thought it was just pilot training? What would new systems be needed for?
It seems like all that would be needed is a stack of new missions. Mabey a new dude or few for combat training.
Care to explain?



Originally posted by Azratax2:
What would new systems be needed for?

Battle Arena.

-esw-dragoon_77: Doing what he can to fsck people up since September 2001.
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"Always watch out for the cornhole." -dude3


Originally posted by Chuckles:
**Azratrax2: Abuse the bits. Plain and simple.

Terra SW: What exactly is the story behind your idea? Where do you want to have it go? Are you willing to go through the agonies (no, that is not an overstatement) of taking an idea and outputting it into reality. Have you written any design documents? How detailed are they?

The story is that its for noobs to learn how to pilot and fight pepole, Tell you how to trade and all that stuff.

You really dont need any design docs, its just a plugin, not a TC.



Originally posted by Terra Software:
The story is that its for noobs to learn how to pilot and fight pepole, Tell you how to trade and all that stuff.**

Oh, I get it now.

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"When you burn your bridges, just make sure they aren't in front of you." -mrxak