How do you make plug-ins?

How do you make plug-ins? cuse i don't no how and i was wanting to trie


Firstly, if you're on a PC then you're out of luck until one of the upcoming PC plugin editors is released. If you're on a Mac you have three options:

  1. Resedit with Novatools. This is the oldest and most complete editor thFirstly, if you're on a PC then you're out of luck until one of the upcoming PC plugin editors is released. If you're on a Mac you have three options:

  2. Resedit with Novatools. This is the oldest and most complete editor that exists, but it only works in classic. Resedit can be found (url="http://"")here(/url), and Novatools from (url="http://"")here(/url).

  3. EVone. A very promising editor that includes a lot of useful features not found in Resedit. Available from (url="http://"")here(/url).

  4. MissionComputer. A solid and reasonably complete editor, although some of its templates are sketchily defined. Available (url="http://"")here(/url).

Once you have an editor you'll need to browse the Nova Bible (found in the Documentation folder) to familiarise yourself with the system. Alternate between the Bible and your chosen editor and you should have the basics down in no time. Good luck...

MU* addict

(This message has been edited by Kelsan (edited 09-07-2003).)

The Developers Corner board is also a good place to go if you have a question.

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The current national debt is $6,816,436,542,209.64 and has increased by over 1 Trillion dollars since George W. Bush took office.
Creator of the upcoming (url="http://"")Vega(/url) plugin.

Thax and if you got a PC (like me) is it possbe to use an emulator???



Originally posted by EVN big time fan:
**Thax and if you got a PC (like me) is it possbe to use an emulator???


Yes. If you need to figure out how, it has been answered many times in past, and the old topics can be found using the search feature.

Edit: (url="http://"")I found it! This topic lists the steps needed to emulate a mac. I suggest you read all the way through it first, at least once. The step that trips up most people is the ROM Image. You need to own the Mac it came from for it to be legal.(/url)

-= SS =-
Magnificat Anima
Please, point out my faults, so that I may correct them

(This message has been edited by GutlessWonder (edited 09-07-2003).)

k thax


so thare are win plugin makers? What are they and when can I expect to get one?



Originally posted by EVN big time fan:
**so thare are win plugin makers? What are they and when can I expect to get one?


As Kelsan said, there are currently no Plugin Editors for Windows.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
(url="http://";=214877")The funniest valentine I've ever gotten.(/url)

What are one of thee upcomeing win plug makers?


EVONE is the only one i know. Im tryin to port ResEdit over to PC.

-Unreal Centipede
(url="http://"")My Profile(/url) "When sliding down the banter of life, hope that the splinters arnt pointing the wrong way." - Me
"Bill Gates will die, by choking on an Apple" - Black Cacodemon (url="http://"")Trogdor The BURNANATER!(/url) (url="http://"")Trogdor the game!!!(/url) "Nova might only run better on a windows after you plow your computer over with a semitruck, But, you cant win them all" - Pikeman (The PC Nova Song Time: 1:05 )

This should be in the Developer's Corner.


••• Got a question? Use the (url="http://";=26")search(/url) feature before you post a new topic. •••
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Originally posted by Unreal Centipede:
**EVONE is the only one i know. Im tryin to port ResEdit over to PC.


EVONE currently is not and, in all likelyhood, will not be for PC. EVONE can open PC (.rez) plugins, though.

Good luck with the ResEdit port! That must be quite a project.

(url="http://"")Arios SoftWare(/url)
(url="http://"")EVONE 1.0pb2 - the plugin editor for EV/EVO/EVN(/url)

If only there was a drag'n'drop utility to translate to different platforms. 🙂 Heheh, now that would have to be a damn complicated utility. Good luck with the port of resedit Centipede... surely that's a bit of an ask?

EVN big time fan: One thing that is necessary to making a plug in is using correct grammar and spelling for all situations. Nova picks out syntactical errors and stops loading the plug. 😛 Also for plugs to work you have to be registered I believe (not too sure, I paid before I tried any plugs), so you should make sure that you've done that.

Also I believe that Basalisk II is the most reccomended emulator.

Good luck.


EDIT: It's also necessary to use correct spelling of necessary when you're having a jab at someone's language flaws. 🙂
"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

(This message has been edited by Azdara (edited 09-08-2003).)

BII works great as emu, except you cant run some more advanced apps that need a ppc processor. And to edit weapons with novatools under BII, you may have to use "open with template" indead of simply opening them, as that causes crashes, atleast for me).

Geuis is working on a PC plug editor, but last I heard he was trying to get Contraband to release to him the full .rez format like they had promised weeks ago.

I thought that either EVONE or Mission computer was planning to go to PC, but theres been alot of talk, but currently a lack of tangible results for PC editors (or, released results).



Originally posted by Azratax2:
I thought that either EVONE or Mission computer was planning to go to PC, but theres been alot of talk, but currently a lack of tangible results for PC editors (or, released results).

I'm working on the technology to create a Windows version of MissionComputer, and though the ResFrame2 technology that powers the project has suffered a bit of a setback recently, it still seems to be possible, and will just take a bit longer than I've thought. As far as tangible results go, the only releaseable ResFrame2 application I've created so far is a Mac application which converts PC plug-ins back to the Mac format, which I have submitted to the add-ons page but which has not yet been posted.

David Arthur | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
Truth! Justice! Freedom! And A Hard-Boiled Egg!

I am guessing that you have to have the same programs (resEdit and EVOne) to edit an existing plugin. I guess I will have to do that. Grr... Well at least this saved me from hours of moping coz I killed my computer trying to figure out how the hell to fix that.

Great. Thanks guys. Lots of work ahead o me. Later all.

-All your Duct Tape are belong to us

Another thing you can probably do is ask a Mac user to compile your plugin for you if you have all the data in a text form of some kind.



Originally posted by Dastal:
**Another thing you can probably do is ask a Mac user to compile your plugin for you if you have all the data in a text form of some kind.


I would recommend this, as it saves a lot of trouble, though they will undoubtedly put themselves in the credits. But do as you want. There are three other options, two of which have been mentioned, but I thought I'd give them to you in a plain, simple list:

  1. Buy a mac (most ridiculous)

  2. Get an emulator (okay solution)

  3. Wait for a port and/or new editor (though a new editor would most likely be released for mac first) (most reasonable in my opinion)


Originally posted by Unreal Centipede:
**EVONE is the only one i know. Im tryin to port ResEdit over to PC.


How would that work? I've obviously been out of the resource editing game for too long, but back in my day, ResEdit dealt with the Resource fork, which only classic Mac OS had. So would you emulate the resource fork for windows? Or would it just sort of look like ResEdit does and keep the name, but not actually edit a files resource fork.

Poor confused me.

(url="http://"")Test Shows 99.99% of High School Seniors Can't Read Perl(/url)

The .rez format already encodes the resource fork into a windows file, so one would assume that a windows resedit would access this encoded form.

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
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