Ambitious EVN TC project...anyone interested, sign up here!

First off, only people serious about doing this project need apply. Second, I will not have this turn into vaporware. Once the project is started, I'm going all the way with it.

Now, some details about this project. The scenario I'm going for starts off when the human race is just beginning to develop the ability to travel through space. It will take players through the expansion of the human race through the galaxy, and the new posibilities and trials that come along with it.

I'm aiming for a really non-linear and sort of dynamically changing universe. I'd also like to look through some star charts, and base the universe layout on something like that.

I'm on a Windows computer, and have figured out some of the emulation stuff to run some editing software, but probably most of the editing work would be done by Mac folks.

Basically for my primary role, I'll be doing universe/system layouts, writing of mission texts, planetary/ship/outfits descriptions, and possibly some space planet graphics work (depending how well the software gets along under emulation).

Really, anyone is welcome to apply. It IS a big project, but at the same time we shouldn't have TOO many people working on it.

We'll need people for ship/outfit design, graphics, possibly sounds (would be good), creative mission design, among possible others.

I won't start this unless enough people are commited to seeing it through, because I just can't do the whole thing on my own.

I think it's a somewhat original plan, and would be a fun project! I really want to give it a try, so anyone interested in this, sign up here with what you would like to do for the project.

"What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind."

Good luck, kid.


Originally posted by pipeline:
Good luck, kid.

You're mean... 🙂

Cupelix: It sounds a little like you want to write the descriptions, and have someone else do the graphics, the implementation the mission coding, the system layout, the weapons editing, the outfits editing, the enrëling and a hell of a lot of other stuff...

Maybe you should hold off untill some kinda editing is available on PC... cause frankly now, you won't get it done. Sorry to shoot you down, but it's the way it is. And you're a bit vague about your idea...

I'd offer graphics help, but I'm involved in something else that's "guaranteed" not to turn into vapourware... TDC, if you're reading this I'm getting really bored waiting for that next concept design. 🙂


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Heh, that's not quite what I meant.

I've tried things with the emulator and stuff, and it's well...flaky. I can only get some things to work, and even things like simple missions are hard to get worked properly under the emulator.

I would be doing the coding for the missions, weapons and systems etc for those parts I was doing myself. Some other fancy things like ships and some graphics I would need help with.

What I meant though, was that I would do most of the writing myself. Not that I write and everyone does everything for me. My fault though, I thought I explained that better than I did.

"What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind."

Cupelix, If I was you, I'd start of doing something small. This is for a variety of reasons.

  1. It sounds like this is your first attempt at plug-in making
  2. You've got windows and as you said emulating is a bit 'flaky'
  3. TC's are very hard work.

I've got a vision of a great TC that hopefully one day I'll get round to making, but for the moment Im not going to rush in to it, because I do not have the basic knowledge to do it all. So I'm starting off small, Im working on a plug-in which just adds one storyline to the existing Nova scenario, which has about 20 missions, with one, maybe two new ships and a couple of extra outfits.

If you rush into a TC with no experience it's bound to turn to vaporware, Im sorry if it sounds harsh, but its true. Start off with something smaller, get the basic knowledge behind you, Then start your TC. And you'd get more people willing to help if you've allready got some decent plugs in your portfolio.


"Only those who attempt the absurd...will achieve the impossible. I think...I think it's in my basement...Let me go upstairs and check." - M.C. Escher
"I am always doing that which I can not do, in order that I may learn how to do it." - Pablo Picasso
'The more I talk to women, the more I begin to think that homosexuals have got the right idea.'
(url="http://"")My Profile - With Picture!(/url)


Originally posted by TheRedeemer:
**Cupelix, If I was you, I'd start of doing something small. This is for a variety of reasons.

  1. It sounds like this is your first attempt at plug-in making
  2. You've got windows and as you said emulating is a bit 'flaky'
  3. TC's are very hard work.

I've got a vision of a great TC that hopefully one day I'll get round to making, but for the moment Im not going to rush in to it, because I do not have the basic knowledge to do it all. So I'm starting off small, Im working on a plug-in which just adds one storyline to the existing Nova scenario, which has about 20 missions, with one, maybe two new ships and a couple of extra outfits.

If you rush into a TC with no experience it's bound to turn to vaporware, Im sorry if it sounds harsh, but its true. Start off with something smaller, get the basic knowledge behind you, Then start your TC. And you'd get more people willing to help if you've allready got some decent plugs in your portfolio.



Yeah...all good points. This IS my first NOVA plug...I've had some experience writing a few simple plugs for EV and EV:O.

But oh well, it doesn't seem like anyone's interested anyway. I'm just going to scrap this for now.

However, if anyone is working on any projects and would like someone to help, I'd be interested in that too.

"What is mind? No matter. What is matter? Never mind."

Although you have an interesting scenario, i think the main problem here is that there are way to many interesting scenarios, and not enough people to develop all of them, so they get canceled half way though (Which is good for smaller plug makers, who tear through the released flesh of canceled plugins to devour the tender graphics within). I think you should propably either make a small plugin, or join a TC team, rather than starting yet another huge TC. The real problem with the large number of TC projects is that fewer get released than would if people focused on a smaller number of projects. Two half compleated TC's are a smorgasboard for graphics scavengers, and useless to everyone else, while a single compleated TC would be played and enjoyed by many.
Sorry bout the graphic discription of canceled plugin graphics being used by others. Thats what happens when you post while listening to death metal.


I can do ship graphics, weapons, and ship and weapon discriptions. I have Photoshop 6 Strata 3.5 (?) I also know how to do AutoCAD modeling (I know its more for drafting but it works) I can't help you with any bit work cause thats crazy stuff & I'd mess it up 😛 I might try and do the spins though I'll have to read up on those...
I am not a quiter... It may take a while but sure and steady wins the race, I am an Eagle Scout if that shows that I'm devoted to my work. I'll try to find a website for my images but right now all my stuff is at school and I'm goin to Florida for a week and a halve. I will have time to do this I am like I said devoted to doing things right and get them finished. Best of luck.

Well it looks like you rather do something else Go to the Nova Boards and look under Ship names I have an Idea for a plug but I need some help it's not that big either...

Save a Tree, Eat a Beaver.

(This message has been edited by DREYCO (edited 08-21-2003).)


Originally posted by Azratax2:
**(Which is good for smaller plug makers, who tear through the released flesh of canceled plugins to devour the tender graphics within).
Sorry bout the graphic discription of canceled plugin graphics being used by others. Thats what happens when you post while listening to death metal.


Are you kidding? That was just about the funniest thing I've read all week.

In my experience, Cupelix, teams die quickly or rarely get things done -- it's very rare to see otherwise (ATMOS, hopefully the Sephil Saga team). Better to learn to do everything yourself -- and to not to let over-ambitious ideas ruin your chance of actually finishing a product. Believe me, I know whereof I speak -- making a TC is no easy task. So it's also a good idea to cut your teeth on something less ambitious first -- make a number of smaller plugs to teach yourself how to do everything (add new ships, make some missions, add a gövt and a few new systems and planets for that gövt, etc. etc.) and once you get the hang of everything, then start working on your TC.

(Would you believe that Starfleet Adventures is what I started working on to serve as my "less ambitious project to teach myself how to do everything?")

Starfleet Adventures: A Star Trek TC for EVN (url="http://"") Discussion Board (/url)
Starfleet Adventures (url="http://"")Progress Log(/url)
denki's Starfleet Adventures (url="http://"")FAQ page(/url)
It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

Hey i will be glad to offer my services to you. Since i have no ideas of my own, i have decided to help other people create plugins. And i know how frustrating it is to have a great idea turn into vaporware. (a lot of mine do that) 🙂 But if i can help in any way, email me. I can do really good weapons. But no graphics. Get someone else to do that. 😉
EDIT:But, if your not going to, dont email me 🙂
Hugs, Not Drugs

(This message has been edited by Lord Tekk (edited 08-22-2003).)

I suppose there are TCs and TCs. Back in the old EV days there was a TC called Foundation (the one based on Asimov's Foundation). It didn't introduce new graphics or even change the parameters for ships and weapons much, but it was an entirely different scenario.

What (to my mind) makes a TC interesting to play is the presence of a credible universe to explore and a really strong plotline. Whether or not you change absolutely everything else depends on how much extra work you have to do make the universe fit your conception.

Ultimately I think Foundation didn't work because the player knew as much about the Foundation series as the programmer did, and you played through stuff you were expecting. But the idea of not changing anything you didn't have to was a good one.

On the other hand, two non-TCs, called Angels of Vengeance and Eye of Orion, were absolute classics. Angels of Vengeance pushed the game engine a long way, and seemed like a different game from EV, even though it ostensibly took place in EV space. Eye of Orion was entirely in the EV universe and introduced only a handful of new outfits, ships and planets, but it did have a totally different ethos from EV, and, again, felt like an entirely new game.

As all remember, we've seen a lot of vapour-ware TCs announced on this board, and saying 'this project isn't going to become vapourware' doesn't particularly increase confidence.

What nobody seems to concern themselves with these days is the question: "If I release a TC, will anybody bother to download it?"

A few years ago, for those who remember, I released a couple of plugins of my own. What really worried me at the time was - "who in their right mind would actually download an 11.6MB plugin?" This was back in the days of 33k modems.
This may be forgotten now, but there was quite a bit of discussion on these boards then about whether it really was worth taking a flyer on this unknown plugin and downloading it.

A TC for Nova, though, won't be 11.6MB. It's going to be 60MB if it deserves to be called a TC at all - unless someone goes down the route I'm talking about.

I have to be really honest and say that I probably wouldn't spend two hours downloading a plugin unless I was absolutely certain that it would be amazing. I've played too many plugins that took me less than two hours to play and delete.

What I would find interesting, though, would be to download a plugin that was only 500k but created an entirely new universe with a really punchy plotline using the graphics and sounds that were already in Nova - maybe introducing just a couple of new graphics at the end. If I knew that the writer's passion was the scenario and the storyline, then I wouldn't really mind the fact that I'd seen the graphics before in a different context.

M A R T I N • T U R N E R
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FrozenHeart104.sit.bin")Frozen Heart(/url)
(url="http://";=plugins&display;=downloads&file;=FemmeFatale.sea.bin")Femme Fatale(/url)
(url="http://";=Frozen Heart - the No.hqx")Frozen Heart - the Novel(/url)

Hey, Ill work on it with you. I can do ranks, outfits, weapons and number crunching. One thing though, i dont do missions! i stink at missions. But ill help with the above resourses.

(edit)I can spin ships for anyone useing strata. Ive spun many ships to have them work. Just make sure all of the detailing is done.

-Unreal Centipede
Need a minor plugin made? Email me! (url="http://"")

I am underway with my own TC right now. But at first i was going to remodel the entire universe. But, if people would like one that wasnt completely remodeled then mabye ill tone it down a bit. Hmm... oh well. Thanx

Hugs, Not Drugs