Help with weapons and launchers?

sigh...another "Increase Max" diatribe...

I'm working on a Star Wars TC for Nova. The increase max outfit type doesn't work (that has been established long ago). So I used the MaxAmmo value in the weap resource instead.

At the moment I have two weapons programmed: an ST2 concussion missile and an MG7 Proton torpedo. The proton torpedo works fine: for every torpedo tube you have, you can buy up to 3 torpedoes. So two tubes, as on the X-Wing, gives you six torpedoes, and so on.

However, it doesn't work with the Concussion missile. The A-Wing is programmed to be bought with 8 missiles; this works fine. It is also supposed to come with a pair of ST2 launchers, but it doesn't. You can fire the first 8 misisles, then nothing else, no matter how many more missiles you buy. The number of launchers doesn't affect the number of missiles you can buy either.

Since that's probably tricky to understand, I've placed the files in question on the following website: (url="http://"")http://www22.brinkst...swnova/rsrc.sit(/url)

If anyone can try to make the concussion misisles behave like the proton torpedoes, it would be greatly appreciated. And if you do get it working, please tell me what you did.

Thanks very much


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Actually, mod type 27 (increase max) DOES work now (SS uses it all over the place). Make sure you have the latest version of Nova, though. However, it still has issues when used in conjunction with the MaxAmmo field in the weap resource.

I'd take a look at your file, but it says Access Forbidden from Outside Site.

Just off the top of my head, make sure you have outfits made for both the weapon and the ammo, and that the ammotype fields correct.

Actually, it sounds like the ModVal for the concussion missile ammo is wrong- nova will give the weapon 8 correct ammo, but if the ammo outfit doesn't actually point to the weapon, you will get this behavior.

Hope that helps

Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

Hmm...I'll try the increase max, then...perhaps that will work. Weird that the ammo thing would work on the torpedo but not the missile.

I'm surprised at how many people don't know how to get past an "access forbidden" hard feelings, Masamune. All you have to do it hit reload or select the text in the address bar and hit enter, and it should start downloading. It works on geo****ties as well - just about anywhere that won't allow direct linking.

I'll get Nova 1.0.6 and try the increase max, but if anyone can tell me what's wrong what the resource, I'd still like to know.


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No problem- I'm a programming genious, not a hacker 😉

Anyway, I got past the access error (took a few tries, actually- downloaded blank files a few times. Weird) and I looked at your stuff. The problem is simple. You have the modtype for the concussor missile's ammo outfit set to be weapon, not ammo. Almost what I said the first time.

You shouldn't have to mess with modtype-27 now. My advice: don't if you can avoid it.

Have fun.

Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

Damnit, that was really stupid. :redface: ::embarassed:: Even I, a programming newb (well, does applescipt count?) should have known better than that.

If you want to be a beta tester for the plugin, you can - we need people as experienced as that!

Thanks greatly.

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Heheh. Don't worry about it- we've all had moments like that.

Thanks for the offer but I have to decline. I need to finish Sephil Saga before I do anything else.

Good luck on your plug!

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OK, here's another conundrum:

I have four weapons that I want to launch from one bomb bay. The way I have it set up, the increase max outfit type does work (in v1.0.6 - Thanks masamune!).

What I've got is some seismic charges - if you have one bomb bay you can have two of them, two bomb bays will give you four, and so on. That part is fine and lovely.

Now forget I mentioned the bomb bay at all.

Problem: How can I set up the seismic charge as an independent weapon with an ammo attribute, so that basically you buy a charge, increasing the ammocount by 1, then launch it, reduing the ammocount by 1? I'm not using the maxAmmo flag, as it conflicts with the increasemax type - so how do you make a single resource have both weap (it's selectable in the secondary weapon box) and ammo (it has consumab;e shots )characteristics? Do you set it to weapon, ammunition or what?

This is probably the same as the answer to my previous question, but it doesn't seem to work anymore.

Thanks if you can help


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If I understand you correctly, you want to have an outfit that serves as both it's own launcher and ammo? Like a missile that you just strap to the hull, no launcher needed, fire it and it's gone?

If that's the case, you can't do it without a little trick, that takes a bit of doing. An outfit can't have both a weapon and ammo modtypes (since they must be in modtype #1). However, you can make invisible outfits. So what you do is give the ship (all ships, presumably) an invisible, weightless launcher, that is not selected without ammo. The player will never know it's there. Then, make the ammo as normal, and it will appear to be the way you want. Not perfect, but it works.

BTW, to make an outfit invisible, make sure all the name fields are blank. EVN will not even try to list them in the outfit dialog. The outfit resource name is not used anywhere I know of, and can be anything you want. I always put a comment marker ( ; ) in front though, just in case.

Sephil Saga Homepage: (url="http://"")

It is mentioned in the Extras dialog, where it will enter it as "two laser cannons, a , and seven fish". To get around this, have it display the outfit name in the ranks section, because that section will not display the outfit (or rank, for that matter) if it doesn't have a name.

Eat blazing electric death!

"a missile that you just strap to the hull, no launcher needed, fire it and it's gone"

Excellent description. It gave me an idea to fix it up. See, I am trying to emphasize the fact that using one modular bay saves mass and money, as opposed to using four bays for four types of weapon. However, rather than bother with invisible outfits, I think I'll just have the weapon itself disguised as "charge holders" or "grenade clamps", so that you buy extra bays for more space and extra in-bay launchers (weapons) for more speed. The clamps have negligible weight and cost. So a TIE bomber might have 2 bays (=32 proton grenades) and four clamps (=4x faster launching speed).

I think that is a better idea, although not what I had planned. Oh well....

Thanks for the inspiration, though. Im sure this won't be my last post requesting how to do something 😄


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It is mentioned in the Extras dialog, where it will enter it as "two laser cannons, a , and seven fish". To get around this, have it display the outfit name in the ranks section, because that section will not display the outfit (or rank, for that matter) if it doesn't have a name.

That's not my experience, SpacePirate. That was the case in EV and EVO, but (at least in 1.0.6) Nova is smart enough to avoid that, displaying correctly "two laser cannons, and seven fish". I have a great number of "invisible" outfits floating around in SS, and none of them (at least none I can think of) have the "display in ranks section" bit set. Older versions of EVN may still handle this as you say, so it is probably safest to set that bit.

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