storyline for you

I've got a 5 fairly developed and interweaving storylines for a post-string completion EV plug. The EV universe is more or less the same, but now you can use your insane ship and insane bank account to do several more story lines including 1. Terraforming (leads to having your own planet to love and, um, defend with links to a similar Vell-os story line) 2. Elite Forces (a combined Fed/Rebel, Auroran, Polaran special forces unit to, ah, keep the peace...) 3. and a mean Wraith/Pirate storyline (one line forced, the other just, well, mean). These three major lines have different branches, and there are two minor story lines that feed into them (the Sigma/Rauther line that has you repairing hypergates and gives some cool and balanced new outfits and the evil Pyro/Gil-tech line that gives even cooler outfits but at a moral price.) There would be one "new" ship, the Starbridge X (available only in the Elite storyline), and about 9 new outfits, all balanced. It would not need a lot of new graphics, just a couple of planets and outfits.

The plug's missions are very challenging, e.g., disable one powerful ship out of an entire fleet of powerful and board it AND capture it, THEN deliver the prisnor into a system swarming with yet another powerful fleet...). You would also have to have a big bank account (to fund your planet's defence by WG mercenaries, or to suport the secret Elite Forces spies...). So, the idea is to deliver an extension of the EV universe (not to replace it) with missions that would challenge someone with an insane ship, insane bank, and insane pilot skills.

Naturally, I haven't written everything yet (including dialog boxes), but I could probably whip the rest out in about a month.

Anyone interested, email me at and I'll send over what I've got.

Dum Spiro Spero

Sounds complicated.

So basically you just want someone to help you with your idea? It's a little... corny, I don't really know if it would exactly... whats the word I'm looking for... flow, I suppose. I don't know if it would flow correctly, and to be a good plug it would have to flow on from the default scenario. Basically everything has to be realistically justified, and shown reason for existing, right now it seems a little random.

But good luck anyway, hope you find someone willing to help.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-