[ANN] Presenting MissionComputer 3.0 with syst/spob/nebu/outf

Apologies to the Dev Corner moderators for dragging this back up, but it seems best to address these points while I'm here.


Originally posted by Aprosenf:
Are you proficient in Windows programming? If you are, that would be great.

I'm at work on the technology necessary for MissionComputer to run on Windows.


Originally posted by Azdara:
Hmmm... It happened to me too, and I've downloaded .dmg files before.

Well. it may be that your browser requires more support from the server than evula.net will provide. At any rate, it should work if you 'save this link as' or drag it to the desktop.


Originally posted by Jonathan Boyd:
One other qualm - you can only edit one window at a time. Often when I'm editting a ship I"ll want to go look up info on an outfit or weapon, or check another data file entirely, but that seems to be impossible in Mission Computer. You have to close whatever ship you're working on, go look up the outfit, close the outfit, then go open the ship again.

The saving problem is a rather elusive problem which I'm still trying to address, but here I can give you a clearer answer. This is indeed a limitation of MissionComputer which I intend to address, but it will require some fairly large structural changes, which I'd rather leave until I've solved the problems present in 3.0 and produced a Windows version.

David Arthur | (url="http://"http://davidarthur.evula.net/")davidarthur.evula.net(/url) | (url="http://"http://www.ev-nova.net/")EV-Nova.net(/url)
Truth! Justice! Freedom! And A Hard-Boiled Egg!

(This message has been edited by David Arthur (edited 08-12-2003).)