What storyline did you take?

im just wondering........because...........um...........i can. so is it Vell'os, Feds, Aurons, Protoss.............hey wait, wrong game hehe. anyways i chose Vell'os

"plucking the chicken"
~elvish term meaning 'spanking the monkey'

you can expect that this post will be moved to the Nova Webboard soon.

Finding the perfect signature bites. I quit.

well arent we mister happy today arent we?

"plucking the chicken"
~elvish term meaning 'spanking the monkey'

If you read that last post backwards it actually makes sense.
- Peace

what? i am happy.......................ecuse me while i pluck my chicken........

"plucking the chicken"
~elvish term meaning 'spanking the monkey'

i'm not itentionaly being mean, or even knew i was. i apoligize for that.

i simply meant you should post this in the EV Nova Web Board becuase it deals with play related topics such as playing the game and thigns like that, while the developer's board here involves plug-in making as well as graphical design.
thought he(or maybe she) should know.

Finding the perfect signature bites. I quit.

haha its ok i was kidding

"plucking the chicken"
~elvish term meaning 'spanking the monkey'


Originally posted by JuKe:
If you read that last post backwards it actually makes sense.
- Peace

oh lordy lord thats some funny sh*t!

I bet you thought it would be REAL funny to raise my karma, eh?
I'm still plenty offensive, just wait.

I didn't think so.

i second the motion...............................what are we talking about again?

"plucking the chicken"
~elvish term meaning 'spanking the monkey'

what a strange string of posts.

:::::::::::::READ THIS:::::::::::::
there is nothing to read. i simply created this sig to waste your time. mission accomplished.
:::::::::::::READ AGAIN:::::::::::::

i agree. or something.

"plucking the chicken"
~elvish term meaning 'spanking the monkey'

Hmm, I could move this to the Nova board, but it's a bit too full of crap if you don't mind me saying so. 😛

Posted Image

(url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
Go get your knife.