adding inerta to ships

Is there a plug or could someone make one that could add inerta to ships like the Vell-Os or Raven? I like my Raven, but I wanna fly backwards and tear persuing fleets in half with my big pink death beam.


minor correction in terminaology, I suggested removing inerta from inertaless ships. silly me.

(This message has been edited by sharky517 (edited 08-01-2003).)

It's a simple fix, so why don't you try it yourself. Just go into your resource editor of your choice, copy the ship resources for the Vell-Os ships and the Raven into a blank plug, and uncheck the flag that reads "Inertialess." That's all you need to do.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."
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my apologies, i forgot to mention im on PC, otherwise I would have done this yesterday when I got my Raven.


Pardon my vocabularic ignorance, but what's inerta?


Inerta is what makes most ships fly one direction while facing another. The Vell-Os ships and the Raven will change course if pointed in another direction. Its a neat feature, but it doesnt suit my fighting style and I love how the Raven looks.


anybody got a few seconds to spare and help a fellow ev nut out? please? if you find it in your heart to do me a solid email me at


Cooked up a plugin quickly because I have nothing better to do.

Tell me if it works.


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs

dude, you rock. its people like you that reaffirm my faith in humanity. the plug works perfectly. now im off to unleash firey pink death on all those fed sob's. 🙂
