Cute Little Project?

I need experience if I'm eventually going to make the Total Conversion... OF DOOM!

So I have an idea for a cute little project that I came up with after surfing for Harry Potter fandom too much. The Battle of the Shippers!

A "Shipper" is someone who thinks that two characters (or more) have a romantic relationSHIP. Meaning that many of them say, "Oh, I'm part of the H.M.S. Harry (Potter) by Ginny (Weasely)!" And then you get the really weird names - for some obscure reason, the Harry by Hermione Granger ship is called the "H.M.S. Pumpkin Pie." Don't ask me why...

The plug would add a new stellar, "PLatform 9 3/4," where HP fans and thier ships dock, and new missions where you join one of the ships and engage in wargames with the opposed ships.

Do battle with the H.M.S. Gin & Tonic and the diabolical H.M.S. Draco by Harry! Down butterbeer at the space station Platform 9 3/4! Marvel at my complete lack of a life!

Any ideas, suggestions, or "this is really dumb"s? 😄

I sing of Sarqueth:
May her flame never be extinguished
She who was the soul of our souls...
The Ng'anda Chronicles. Coming Soon.

i'm not sure i have heard anyone ever think about doing a TC that was not completly Nova Related(by that i mean in space). Harry Potter.... not a fan my self. that whole useing wands for magic really bothers the H*** out of me. plus i really dislike draco.

but, its an idea, and there are bound to be someone who will like it.

the idea of adding a stellar and having war games is something to try though.

i my self have a somewhat, idea close to the war games it, one. it would be like this:

Go into the Mission BBS on a lone space station some ways off(not to far) from Federation space. there, in the Missions BBs, it will have 1 mission. its a gladiator mission. you select it, go to the system with the red arrow(there will only be 1 station), and it will be packed with astroids. in the system will be your opponent. beat him/her and return to the station. round 2, Mission BBs, a second challeger will appear. same with the first, but tougher. and over again for about 10 challengers. of course, the 1oth must be like super strong(say like a decked out Raven). beat them all, and you get access to one Outfit from each goverment(like polarin Mutli jump, Fed Cloak, and so on)

thats about it. maybe someone already did something like this. i don't know. i saw a gladiator plug in the addons section, but it did not seem to want to download the 20 trys i madede over 3 days. oh well.

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