I need some more help with making my plug

I am making my first plug,( a simple weapon) and I understand how to do pretty much everything except make a weapon description and how to set a outfitter graphic ( the launcher and ammo graphic). I once again looked in the Nova Bible but haven't found anything on how to do it. I don't mean to be a pest with my questions. 😄

You say: " I'm Bored."
I say: " Get a Mac."

There actually is no weapon description -- the description you see in the Outfitter shop is actually a description of the outfit.

To get the description working, make a desc resource with an id of 3000 + index number of the outfit resource. (Index number = resource ID - 128 I believe) If you have NovaTools installed, it will tell you what the index is.

The outfitter graphic needs to be a PICT resource with ID of 6000 + index number of the outfit resource.

I'm not sure where these are originally defined... I just read them off of a menu in ResEdit that NovaTools installs. I think there is a utility somewhere that will generate these IDs for you, but I don't remember where it is... anyone else know?


Thanks Mr.Flippy! I'm just now learning to make plugins and it's nice how you guys reply quickly and how you give good descriptions. you've made making plugins a whole lot easier!!!

You say: " I'm Bored."
I say: " Get a Mac."