Plugin request

If someone could write me a plugin with the outfit a little further in this post, I'd be really grateful...

What I want is an outfit for 2.5m that disrupts scans, with a small chance (5% or something such) of the outfit being detected, with the same effect as an illegal object being detected.

I don't know if this is possible, though.


Edit: For EV:N...if you need to know that.

(This message has been edited by SleightOfHand (edited 07-28-2003).)

This belongs on the Developer's Corner forum.


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uh, scans as in what?

Also - people don't usually do plugins that people ask for. Too many programmers are working on their own stuff. I would advise you to make yer own. Unless you only have a PC, in which case ... asking is your only option.

"Life is a bunch of dissapointments ending in one big let-down."

I'm a PC user.

Scans as in scans that the Federation does because of illegal things.


Maybe I can get an emulator and get a ROM image off my friend's mac...


I've been looking through the Nova bible and I can't find a way to mask the illegal things I'm carrying without changing ScanMask there any other way?


nope, scanmask is the only way to affect the legality of an outfit. and since an outfit's scanmask can't be changed by another outfit, i don't think it'll work. you could work around it (kinda) with crons, but it wouldn't be fun:
set a bit when you purchase your illegal outfit. when you purchase the scan blocker, it checks the bits, removes the illegal outfits, and grants legal versions of each ones. here is where you throw in a random thing so that it may randomly grant an illegal version. the scan blocker should also activate a cron which, every so often, repeats the removal and granting of outfits (again with a random chance of granting an illegal one)

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