Too little....too late....

So, I just thought of a great idea that would have been great to suggest WAY back when Ambrosia actually wanted us to suggest new ideas for EVN... but now (at v1.6) it's far too late. Maybe I can hope for it in the next EV game (Yeah, yeah. I know, they said they aren't making any more EV games. But they said that after EVO also, and they also said a million times that they'd never make a PC port. (rolls eyes)) Anyway, how great would it be to have a personal shipyard? You'd have one planet (say, Sol) where you'd be able to store multiple ships. You'd have to buy the storage space, and you could purchase more space, etc. You could use this for those times when you're tired of flying around in your big bulky cruisers and you want to have a little fun with a tiny fighter harassing shuttle's in an unpoliced system. Noone wants to go scrap their mammoth for a side tracked bit of fun; and it's no fun to go starting a new pilot just to do something different for a little while. So Ambrosia, next time you make an EV (which you will, you've now addicted the PC market, you'll HAVE to), make sure you ask for feature requests again. This one's in my cannon.

(edit: note - technically this is a feature request, so it wouldn't make sense to me to put it anywhere aside from the forum dedicated to improving the game, as opposed to discussing game play, so none of this telling me to go stick this in the banter section crap. Yes I'm cranky, it's late, lemme 'lone...)

(url="http://"")The Dreamscapes Project! - Northern VA's BEST local band.(/url)
(url="http://"")Jim's Big Ego! - Just another local ****ing boston ****ing band.(/url)

(This message has been edited by Jol'Jvik (edited 07-27-2003).)

Kind of like GTA?
It will never happen, but it would be fun.


Don't feel too bad. The "garage" idea actually was suggested during development, so it's not as though nobody ever considered the idea.


"Oh crap. I'm going to hell - I put the Bible next to Mein Kampf again."
-Her Holiness, Pope Jenne "Kirby" Hubbs

For an idea to have been included, it had to have a reason behind it... like selling ships it's obvious that if you own escorts you should be able to sell them. But a garage has little potential, or reason for existing.

What would have been cool would be to be able to keep your old ship as an escort when you bought a new one... If you wanted to of course. Oh well, I'm happy with nova the way it is. And I really don't think they'll do a fourth EV game. Matt must be bored with the whole EV thing by now, he wants to work on something fresh. 🙂


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

(This message has been edited by Azdara (edited 07-27-2003).)

I honestly think they don't plan on doing a 4th; and I don't think they want to. But I just have the feeling that they will. Suckers. (grins merrily at prospects of what the future might bring)

(url="http://"")The Dreamscapes Project! - Northern VA's BEST local band.(/url)
(url="http://"")Jim's Big Ego! - Just another local ****ing boston ****ing band.(/url)

Matt has a job which require him too much for working on a EV4.
There'll never be any sequel to Nova.
"Only" Total Conversions 😄

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Visit my (url="http://"")home page(/url) !
STraven, creator of (url="http://";=plugins&display;=date&file;=outfits_enabler_v1.1.sit")Outfit Enabler(/url).

Whether Matt makes it or'll come. At least it had better... though I can scarcely imagine what horrors would be brought upon the series if it were not programmed by Matt...

(url="http://"")The Dreamscapes Project! - Northern VA's BEST local band.(/url)
(url="http://"")Jim's Big Ego! - Just another local ****ing boston ****ing band.(/url)


Originally posted by Jol'Jvik:
**Whether Matt makes it or'll come. At least it had better... though I can scarcely imagine what horrors would be brought upon the series if it were not programmed by Matt...


My guess is that it would be in 3D, have multiplayer, and a complete lack of in-jokes.

“Do you expect me to talk?”
“No, Mr. Bond. I expect you to die.”
— Goldfinger


Originally posted by Regulus:
**Don't feel too bad. The "garage" idea actually was suggested during development, so it's not as though nobody ever considered the idea.



Correct, and if I had the search. I could even point out the first post (on nova board) to ask for it. (which was mine 😛 ) Thats was back when i had like 10 posts 🙂

Ecky- ecky- ecky- ecky- pikang- zoop- boing- goodem- zoo- owli- zhiv'
"You are the Messiah!" "No I'm not!" "Yes your are, I should know, I followed a few"