Plugin devs: failure of sit in windows

I have discovered several sit archives that fail to extract in windows. The reason it the inclusion of mac icon resources in the archive, which are not extractable in the windows environment. I believe that this is because the files have a non-windows character, stuffit shows the file with a rectangle symbol that windows uses to represent "illegal character".

Please see (url="http://"")example here(/url)

I don't know if it is possible to simply avoid using these icon resources, or if they are put there automatically by the mac filesystem. But you may want to try to remove them for the benefit of your windows audience.

I think we're on the same page. Unfortunately, yours has a big 'F' on it. -(url="http://"")StrongBad(/url)
Get (url="http://"")Mods for Windows(/url) here!

This is a documented bug in Stuffit, and according to their website, the only thing you can do is view the archive and delete the icon files before you unstuff it.

Hopefully they'll fix this soon 🙂



Originally posted by mrflippy:
**This is a documented bug in Stuffit, and according to their website, the only thing you can do is view the archive and delete the icon files before you unstuff it.

Hopefully they'll fix this soon 🙂


That is interesting.. So small a change (giving a plug a nifty new icon) could make them unusable for windows users. I'll have to remember that.


"to resist is to piss in the wind....
those who do will end up smelling.."


Originally posted by Bomb:
So small a change (giving a plug a nifty new icon) could make them unusable for windows users. I'll have to remember that.

As I understand it, the problem is with folder icons, not file icons - file icons are stored within the file's resource fork, but folder icons are stored in an invisible icon file whose name contains a character which Windows cannot handle.

David Arthur | (url="http://"") | (url="http://"")
Truth! Justice! Freedom! And A Hard-Boiled Egg!

Heh, then my PC must be a Mac hybrid, 'cause it generates them just fine.

Wisdom, knowledge and patience are good in a fight, but I prefer the good old eye-poke/ball-kick.