Members of this board:


Originally posted by Martin Turner:

I once developed a couple of plugins for EVO.

That's all.



Heh, oh, man I got a good laugh out of that. A couple, ha! Try the best...

A life, ohhhh, that a new plug-in right?
"Borb II of V.S.S Hellfire."

Ok, I'm Paul, I'm fifteen years old, and I'm from Toronto. I registered in late March, but I was hanging around these web boards for long before that. Don't ask me why I didn't register...

I would like to think I'm good at 3d graphics, so I'm currently working on thedecline's TC along with Lomax, Azdara, and some others I don't remember. I'm definitely good at playing the trumpet, since I've been doing that for more than a third of my life (don't ask why I thought that was relevant, I just threw it in). I've been playing EV of any type for almost as long, but I never got around to doing any plugins (believe me, I've tried, but for some reason I always end up going in circles).

Yeah, that's about it...

Edit: Frankly I'm impressed by the maturity everone else seems to have when they write. Reading through this list, I was surprised to see that many of you are younger than I thought you were.

(This message has been edited by el cheapo (edited 07-04-2003).)


Originally posted by Martin Turner:
**My name is Martin Turner.
I live in Birmingham, UK.
I play guitar in a band called Str&nded.;
I fence for Birmingham and Sutton Coldfield.
I do politics sometimes.
In my spare time I go to work in a town called Walsall.

I once developed a couple of plugins for EVO.

That's all.



That's all? They happened just to be the best plugs that anyone made for EVO... Jesus man, be proud of what you did, it was incredible. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Are we going to see anything for NOVA? Maybe a threquel?

"I'm a huge fan martin... love your work." ๐Ÿ™‚


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

Name: William
Age: 20
Occupation: student of University of Colorado at Boulder (CU)
Computer: 1.8 ghz p4, 512mb ram, 2 old useless macs
Where: Boulder, Colorado
Hobbies: Backpacking, Skiing, Climbing, Hiking, Photography, CG art, Cichlids, Origami
Use to others here: graphics, random and obtuse ideas

howdy. i became a ambrosia fan the same way ambrosia became famous; maelstrom! anyhow, ev and evo became my favorite wastes of time when they came out, and i regretted the lack of their software as i switched to pcs. anyhow, in doing this i became interested in cg art and thus my only use on this board. i have been doing scenery and landscapes for a while on vue4, which is like bryce (but far better), and i have dabbled in lightwave and some other esoteric 3d apps. anyhow, i would like to offer myself to anyone who needs graphics for a plug. im not very talented at ship modeling at the moment, once school starts and it begins to snow here, i will not spend so much time outdoors and i intend to learn lightwave better, but for now im still quite accomplished on vue4 (which produces fantastic results). i unfortunatly dont have a place to post some samples of my stuff, so you will have to email me. if you need images, i am glad to take requests. if you want ships or animations, youll have to be patient. later this year i will have the time to do that, but not right now.

so, i enthusiasticly offer my talents with 3d/2d graphics for anyone working on a plug. ill do landing pics, spobs, outfits, and later this year perhaps ships and other animated stuff (those take more time). im looking foreward to being involved!

why should they respect?

UE_Research & Development

Real-Life Location Delaware, United States of America

Ethnic Nationality East-Asian

Status : Not strictly a member of the Developer's Webboard, but reads the posts frequently and plans to begin posting in the future.

Plug-Ins : Currently working on a yet-unnamed plugin for EVO (gasp!). A quasi-TC taking place in the EVO universe, inspired by the vaporware Burning Season plug-in. I hope to port the plug-in to EVN eventually.

For more information: (url="http://"")http://www.ambrosias...ML/004896.html#(/url)

Minor Flaws : I'm not THAT bad at writing, plot, descriptions, grammar, etc. I'd be willing to help out most anyone requesting assistance.

Major Flaws : I cannot competently use any 3-D programs. My artistic expertise encompasses only concept art and perhaps editing of existing sprites.

Contact Information : Should be in my profile...


hi, my name is KarTaniK, and i've been play the Ev games since i discovered this first one on demo.

Theres not much to say i guess. My favorite game is Override, but now that the Override TC for Nova is out, i'll probly go pale in a few days from lack of light.

I gave up trying to come up with my own sig.

Umm I first saw escape velocity on a mac addict demo disk. After that I was addicted and messed around some modifing the original data files. I saw Overide on the web one day downloaded it but for some reason I didnt like it as much as the original so I kinda let it pass. One day I saw that Nova was in beta and just hung around the boards waiting for it to come out. After it did I found an old version of lightwave and started to play around with and was proficient in it. After modeling a few ships I started my own plugin and have been working on it since.
The plug-in name is The Ancients its sort of like polycon except the mother species didnt wipe itself out and it uses their technology to creat sentient beings. The races that it creates are experiments to figure out how to alter their DNA so as to be faster, stronger, smarter without any side effects. Their playing god with themsleves they are accelerating evolution every ten years they should be twice as what they were before. They have trillions of galexys at their disposal they have millions of experements at a time. But 3 have gotten out of hand and have been overlooked. They discovered eachother and realized that it couldnt be an aciddent. After their discovery of the ancients they vowed to fight them forever. But what they didnt realize was they left the guardians to watch over each race and make sure they dont get out of control as an extra fail safe. Well thats basicly it a war against the guardians then the next instalment a war against the ancients.

Why not? | (url="http://"") | (url="http://";=26")The Search Function(/url) | (url="http://"") FFF (/url) | (url="http://"")Good Lord of the Rings(/url)
The Ancients: Will we survive the onslaught? (EVN Plug)

Hi, I'm Starfish, and I play Escape Velocity Nova.

Occupation related, I program for the Nat'l Weather Service in the Twin Cities area.
I started playing EV and EVO starting around '97ish on friends' computers in my college dorm. Later on, I got a G3 (which I still have) which I play all three EV games on.

My plugin experience consists only of "porting" most of the really nifty TC plugs for EV to EVO to take advantage of the newer features (for my own use, of course). PortAuthority willing, I'll probably do the same for EVN.

M'name's GlacierFlame. I'm a lurker.
I like many things, such as reading, playing games, eating, sleeping, writing, drawing, and listening to music.
I have a tendency to think stuff up, think, "Hey, that's pretty cool, I should do that," start it, and then never touch it again. So feel free to steal my ideas, 'cause chances are they'll never otherwise see the light of... Nova?
The computer is a B&W; 500MHz G4 (upgraded from G3), with 768 megs of RAM (to be fair, it isn't mine, it's my dads...). Unfortunately, it has a tendency to fizzle and crash when the temperature is over eighty - and where we live, that's everyday. Heh, at 7:15 this evening it was still 107ลŸ outside. Nice, eh?
...But there's not much else. You can't expect much in a town of three thousand...


Hey there, I'm not actually that new to the boards, I just don't reply much... hehe anyways, I'm a PC user that loves EV and I have many creative talents when it comes to this game. I even have the needed patience to do what needs to be done! I'm currently working on a Wing Commander TC, still need people to help and I'm actually just organizing now since I don't have access to any PC editors for plug ins yet.

I'm a talented writer of stories and poetry, a whiz at figuring stuff out... unless it's a riddle or math problem hehe. I've seen many good plugs come into the fold, plugs like the Babylon 5 plugin for EV and EVO... I hope an EVN version is in the works!

I guess that's it... hobbies are basically playing games and sleeping hehe.

Eric Langlois

Life is a waste of time and time is a waste of life... So get wasted all of the time and have the time of your life!

i'm handsofdeath

i have been a fan of ambrosia games since the original ev and made personal plugins since then for all the ev games.

i only recently got an account to post here, because evn has a lot of new things in it.

i'm currently working on a small plugin...and have been for several months (it will not be vaporware!). it just needs work on landing text and a few missions (once i learn how to do missions). i would like to make it into a TC, BUT since i don't have a large story to go with it, it'll just be a small plug or 2.


Hello. My name here is Zacha Pedro. It's hard for me to admit it but...
Go ahead. We've all been through this.
I'm a casual plug coder for EV(O).
Hello Zacha Pedro. mumblings

Actually you can call me Pedro; if you have played EVO enough you should know the zachit is a mercenary rganisation whose member refer themselves as "Zacha (name)". So when I decided to register I wondered: what characterisises(sp?) me the best? My game name is (and has always been) Pedro, but that was just too mundane to be put as a webboard nickname. So I added Zacha before it. I registered as soon as I discovered the webboards, which is actually a fair bit of time after I discovered the ASW website.

Personal info: classified, but I think I could do you a favor and disclose it, just let me type the password...
My real name is Pierre Lebeaupin. I'm 19. I'm male. I live in France, I'm French, I'm doing my studies in France, etc... They have actually nothing to do with programming or artwork yet.
I discovered Maelstrom on someone else's mac, but my family did not have a color mac for a while. When I got one I could at last play this game. I discovered EV soon aferwards, and it didn't take me much time to learn how to use plugs and modify things in them.

I said I'm a casual plug coder, as I know how to edit every single thing in plugs for EV and EVO, but I just can't do any graphics, I can barely edit them (change color, copy and past and make it look right). I'm especially fond of making plugs that custom the game to my bidding and editing other's plug for the same reason, things that are not worth uploading, and commiting into personal projects I do never finish, if ever I truly began them. I've uploaded some things that I wonder if they are worth mentioning, but yet here there are:
-made little (actually tiny) plugs for EV(one that make pirates have more weapons than stock ships, one another that added Lethean/Cydonian not-that-specific ships) and EVO (that allowed you to have the disco machine gun; actually a cheat)
-when a guy wanted to make a plug named Dark Station adding this station with some interesting and nifty yet not overpowerful outfits and weapons, he posted a topic here to ask for ideas of what he could put. He received too many, and I proposed to actually participate, which I did (the fuel bomb factory and the decay missiles are my ideas and my work, exept for picts, as usual)
-contributed to seant's definitive (3.0) Pilot File Editor

However, I have recently discovered a developpement environment called Revolution that is like HyperCard but much more powerful and cross-platform that may actually be used to make plug editors for WinNova! If I find a PC I can use I'll try to see if I can effectively make limited plug editors (that open only one simple res, like dรซscs) and I'll let you know.
My other future plans include playing Nova (I only recently got the opportunity to pay for sharewares and order the AmbrosiaCD, as I have dial-up) and write plugs for it (you may know the Bible but you can't effectively do plugs if you don't have the game - I only recently knew about mouse targeting).

Here you are. Is my situation more serious than I thought? Will I ever recover? ๐Ÿ˜‰

(EDIT)Sorry, it does not seem to be possible to do a plug editor for Nova on Win without knowing complicated things such as the details of the raw apple ressource file, so I've abandonned the idea.

M'enfin! Y'a personne qui parle franรงais ici?
Suport the รŸ! Replace all your ss's by รŸ's!

(This message has been edited by Zacha Pedro (edited 10-20-2003).)

I'm Divals the Conqueror - Micah Glenn in real life (what's that, you may ask? I don't know myself!). I've been around the EV boards in one form or another since 1997, and have played EV since '96. From '97 to now I've been working on my TC, The Great Conflict, among MANY other things that aren't finished (my book, some movies, my (url="http://"")web site(/url), etc.) and a few that are (the (url="http://"")Shipbuilder's Guide to Infini-D 3.1(/url), a weird movie called Saint Cheez-Whiz, and graphics for a few projects for some other people (Mazca's plugin and the now deceased Ages trilogy)). It is coming along nicely and I hope to have the first of five modules out by christmas. yay!

I do graphics with Infini-D and Photoshop, though I can't do textures at all and therefore have to use the ones you find in the 'texture warehouse' sites.. oh well. I taught myself to use Infini-D with no manuals and no help, so I don't know some stuff (well, a lot of stuff) about it still. Some people think I'm a graphics guru, others think I have no future at all.. I think it's somewhere in between the two.

I am 18 and just graduated from Indiana Senior High. (Western PA.. sigh) I'll be going to the local college, IUP, in the fall as an undeclared fine arts major taking classes to transfer to another college, the Academy of Art in San Francisco, where I will be tranferring after a year. I will be majoring in computer animation and hopefully will be able to pick up all the stuff I missed through teaching myself ๐Ÿ˜›

Hm.. I'm a male human, caucasian-ish (Scottish mostly), bisexual, have a wonderful girlfriend of doom and evil, two dogs, four cats, a brother, and parents (most of the time). I like cheese.


'Ainsi Deathscythe began for scalfire and crosspiece around.'

Yo I'm ******* (*** does this thing sencor your messages?).I run Greenleaf Sofware(not the tm version as I sadly discoverd).I make plugs(graphics from the real game, not good(at all)at graphicks(or spelling)but there you are)for Ev, EVO, and I'm trying to cheat the system by turning evo into evn by changing the graphics and weapons and stuff( still uses evo plugs though) and thats it really, please chek out my post,( aneything with GLS or Greenleaf Sofware in it).

Simply top speed plugs of your choice by mail for free( E-mail me for aney EV, EVO plugs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!and two for luck ... !!

I've been a lurker on the Nova boards since about the time it was released. I read most of the posts on the board, although I had nothing to say. Hence, I said nothing until the beginning of this year, where I finally had a question that simple observation couldn't answer. I'm a lot like this in real life, too.

All of my very few plugins have been for my personal use. None has been released.

I'm currently a sophomore at Taylor University in Indiana. I'm studing English in the hope that I can eventually become a college librarian. The Location I specified is an allusion to one of my favorite novels.

If most people were to be born twice, they'd improbably call it dying.--- e.e. cummings

It is as impossible for man to demonstrate the existence of God as it would be for even Sherlock Holmes to demonstrate the existence of Arthur Conan Doyle.--- Frederick Buechner

I am, sadly a newbie. I've played all three EV's and liked them all but Nova was the first one that I have tried to Modify. I found this webboard when I was hoping to figure out how to make plugins. I found it yesterday and registered yesterday. I'm fairly sure that I don't beelong here but I figured the Developers corner was the best place to learn about..well developing.

My computer is a G4 Cube with lots of extra memory and other modifications that I don't really care about. I live in the chair in front of my computer trying to do a simple modification to the light blaster but I fear my resedit is severely messed up or I just don't get these meaningless lines of code when I double click on it.

Whether You call me flaming god smiley or not I don't care, I maintain anonymity only because of extreme dislike for my real name than anything else.

I live in beaverton Oregon (near portland) and am a sophomore in august at a science and technology magnet high school.


Originally posted by Regulus:
**'ve never compelted a large plugin..


The Anthill was still a good idea. ๐Ÿ˜›

(the artist currently known as fordprefect)

Hey-ho, kiddos. 'tis The Ford, aka Karrde, aka whatever monikers he may have acquired in recent times. The Ford has been representing the third-person in the Escape Velocity community bloody long time. You may have some sort of recollection of The Ford from his involvement in one of the many EVO RPGs that have been around, such as Blazer's UEVO RPG, or the subtly different uEVO RPG, or his infamous Stress Release Plug-In, beta-testing Reign of the Voinians II, or putting up a website for the ill-fated and overhyped Frosty the Snow Entity, which went through four different ideological rebirths before finally being transformed into a novel idea which, quite naturally, has never been written.
Currently, Ford's living outside of Houston, Texas, going into his senior year of high school while frittering away his time writing (poetry, prose, plays/novellas/novel ideas), reading, pondering and theorizing, playing various sports, picking up the old violin once in a while, listening to inordinate amounts of music and training to be a hobo.

(the artist currently known as fordprefect)


Originally posted by FlamingGodSmiley:

My computer is a G4 Cube with lots of extra memory and other modifications that I don't really care about. I live in the chair in front of my computer trying to do a simple modification to the light blaster but I fear my resedit is severely messed up or I just don't get these meaningless lines of code when I double click on it.

do you have Nova tools?

A life, ohhhh, that a new plug-in right?
"Borb II of V.S.S Hellfire."


Originally posted by Borb II:
**do you have Nova tools?


also needs the template in the plug or another plug opened with it. although i'm not sure about needing it with nova tools...i think its built in
