level for OBW

I'm kind of a new guy around hear but have an ice level tat might be good for obw. If you want it, e-mail me at maxmitzvah@hotmail.com, or instant message me.(AIM name- pigfromhell2001)


Originally posted by pigfromhell2001:
I'm kind of a new guy around hear but have an ice level tat might be good for obw. If you want it, e-mail me at maxmitzvah@hotmail.com, or instant message me.(AIM name- pigfromhell2001)

Could you e-mail it to me? (Stuff it first, please)

Most people are swindled into believing stupid things like Santa, the Tooth Fairy, God(s), etc.
They later side with common sense and stop believing in most of them.
Yet most refuse to let go of the ridiculous notion of the existence of God(s).

Don't expect too much from pigfromhell2001, as I have seen his levels. (i know him in real life: he admires me)


Also, Zelda! CAN YOU HEAR ME???? Would you please excercise your moderating powers and move this to the OBW #2 thread? We don't need more than three topics.



Originally posted by FerazelFreak:
**Also, Zelda! CAN YOU HEAR ME???? Would you please excercise your moderating powers and move this to the OBW #2 thread? We don't need more than three topics.

Yeesh..what am I...your fairy Godmoderator? You doesn't have to shout. 🙂
Unfortunately, combining topics is beyond my meager powers of moderatorship. I can move the topic to another forum, delete it or lock it.

If Mr.Pigfromhell (I'm assuming you're male, most women recoil emphatically from referring to themselves as "pigs.") would like to continue this converstion on another thread and would like me to lock this topic, I shall be happy to comply. After all, I am your Fairy Godmoderator.


All I know is that wherever Ben goes, great software follows--Merciless


Originally posted by Zelda:
(I'm assuming you're male, most women recoil emphatically from referring to themselves as "pigs.")

Why? What's wrong with pigs?

Most people are swindled into believing stupid things like Santa, the Tooth Fairy, God(s), etc.
They later side with common sense and stop believing in most of them.
Yet most refuse to let go of the ridiculous notion of the existence of God(s).


Posted by Zelda:
Unfortunately, ... is beyond my meager powers of moderatorship.

NO! Say it isn't so! There's something you cannot do with your supreme power???
::Goes and burns his shrine to Zelda to the ground::

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better

I always wondered why you're so evil 😉


No, I ment Dr. Tall. Zelda is still her praise-worthy Fairy Godmoderator self.

-Jimbo is funny, poo smells, and nutcups are good.

Sorry folks for the inconvenience i might have caused y'all. I won't start new topics in the future. :redface:



Originally posted by pigfromhell2001:
**Sorry folks for the inconvenience i might have caused y'all. I won't start new topics in the future.:redface:


Nobody feels inconvenience. We just want to know what you want. You're fine.



Posted by FerazelFreak:
I always wondered why you're so evil

First, what do you mean I'm evil? Just because my whole life is making levels for FW to spite you doesn't make me evil. And they say a evil man worships an evil God so if I'm evil...

By the way, I don't worship Zelda 😉

Dr. Tall says: Taller is Better