Babylon 5 Plug for EVN Need a little help

I am working on a babylon 5 plug in for evn and it's gonna be awesome but i cant figure out how to load the ships i think i have this file all confused and i need somebody who understands it well to maybe fix this file for me and it is for a ship called a Whitestar quite an awesome **** wait till i send it to you i have all the stuff needed for it the shan and rled rle8 and targeting pics etc. i just have the numbers confused and i cant figure it out please somebody help me because this plug will be awesome


Originally posted by scifi fan 2002:
i just have the numbers confused and i cant figure it out please somebody help me because this plug will be awesome

Gonna have to be a little more specific about your problem before anyone can really help ya. What numbers are confusing?

...and welcome to the boards...

"No man is an island ... he's a peninsula." - Jorma Kaukonen

i have all the resources for almost all of the ships in babylon 5 just the numbers that are confusing me are which numbers to put where like do i need a spin for the ship plug-in to work and i dont have all the files connecter properly


Okidaa, here's an outline of the basic resource ID numbers (RID) that interrelate all the shďp resources.

• The shďp RID and the shän RID must be identical (you don't need a spďn resource for ships)
• The shipyard menu 200x200 PICT RID is equal to the shďp RID + 4872
• The 128x64 target PICT RID is equal to the shďp RID + 2872
• The shipyard "Buy" dësc RID is equal to the shďp RID + 12872
• The bar "Hire" dësc" RID is equal to the shďp RID + 13872
• The 600x400 shipyard "Info" PICT RID is defined by you (typically 19872+shďpRID) in the shipyard dësc resource down at the bottom of the Novatool editor screen.
• The rlë8/D sprite RID numbers for base image, engine glow, weapon glow, running lights, etc. are specified from within the shän resource and are defined by you. You don't need PICT + mask base image resources as long as you have rlë8/D resources.

You just have to be careful of trampling on the Nova scenario RIDs if you're creating a plug instead of a total conversion (TC). You can get things really messed up if you get into a resource conflict with the default scenario.

Hope this helps.

"No man is an island ... he's a peninsula." - Jorma Kaukonen

i understand that and thanks for the help but i need to send this plug to someone who knows the ins and outs and fix this i just cant figure it out. i can tell it only needs a few adjustments to work im pretty good at it buti just cant implement it into the universe please somebody give me their email and i will send it to you



Originally posted by scifi fan 2002:
**please somebody give me their email and i will send it to you

Just use the icon that's in the middle of the page to the right of my name that says "email" and I'll see what I can do for you.

"No man is an island ... he's a peninsula." - Jorma Kaukonen


Originally posted by scifi fan 2002:
**i understand that and thanks for the help but i need to send this plug to someone who knows the ins and outs and fix this i just cant figure it out. i can tell it only needs a few adjustments to work im pretty good at it buti just cant implement it into the universe please somebody give me their email and i will send it to you


You can also send it to me...I can do all the coding if needed. I also have a bunch of B5 ships in S3D, DXF, and 3DS, if you can use/want them.

"The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is probably the day they start making vacuum cleaners." -- Ernest Jan Plugge

Received your plug in A-OK condition. Took a quick look at the resources with Novatools and didn't see anything obviously wrong (nice graphics, by the way). Give me a few minutes while I try using it in-situ. Back in a bit.

"No man is an island ... he's a peninsula." - Jorma Kaukonen

Right. Only two minor problems.

1. The plug file type and creator weren't set to "Npďf" and "Növä" respectively. Just replacing the icon with a Nova plug icon doesn't change the type & creator. You have to use ResEdit's "Get Info For White Star" under the File menu to set the type & creator (don't forget the umlautes).

2. The chär resource specified shďp RID 411 instead of RID 894.

I only changed those two things and - Shazaam! There it was. Can you handle changing those yourself or do you wan't me to email you an updated copy?

"No man is an island ... he's a peninsula." - Jorma Kaukonen

ill try to fix myself i think i can do it but if you could can you send it to me just in case
and want to help me with a project
i have tons of ships if you could help me arturo and thanks again


YES YES I GOT IT TO WORK i cant believe i made such a little stupid mistake and that took me weeks ive been stumped on that oh my god
well im gonna start the whole project back up thanks so much arturo well im looking for project men for the job this will be an awesome plug so if anybody is interested email me
