Enfeeble bug in Trinity?

I was on the mission to free Decimus and when it came time to do battle with the death knight, I readied my healing potions and prepared for some pain. I cast enfeeble on him, then the battle began in earnest. (I also cast magical armor on myself.)

It wasn't long before I noticed that the little numbers floating up from my body every time he swung at me were blue, not red. Each time he hit me (with a few exceptions), it was healing me up. With undead, does the -20 damage of enfeeble make for possible negative damage (= healing)?

It definitely doesn't work with regular damage. I tried enfeebling a goblin and letting him whack me, but it stung just like normal. (Well, I did have to wait for about 20 swings before he finally hit me.)

Anyone else experience anything like this with a death knight or any other creature when using the enfeeble spell?



Hmm.. I haven't seen that. I'll have to take a look at the enfeeble code sometime and see what it does.

I have seen rather strange bugs when you cast 2 spells that have durations on them. Enfeeble/Magic armor combo, for example. Strange things happen.

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Acctually, enough undead protection acctually would get anything undead to heal you (i.e. drink 10 undead elixers....), so I assume the low amount of damage he was doing ended up having the same effect as loads of undead protection (healing instead of hurting). This should probably work on all undead. Try it on a different undead character and see if it happens. I also assume that the goblins still did damage because the undead can go into negative damage, but regular creatures cannot.

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(This message has been edited by SlaVitiCkus (edited 03-19-2003).)