Destroying Stellars?

Can someone tell me the way to make a weapon to destroy stellars? I just think this would be the coolest thing. I mean who cares about taking over polaris space when you can obliterate it, and everything else that isnt Auroran or Federation or whoever your working for!

"Why did you come to Casablanca?"
"My health, I came for the waters."
"Waters? What waters? Casablanca is in the desert!"
"I was mis-informed."

  1. Create a "destroyed stellar" graphic -- and probably it would be a good idea to create separate graphics for each space station type and a separate "destroyed planet" graphic for each size of planet, unless you wanted to do a generic image for either.

  2. Assign strength values, regeneration values, and the appropriate destroyed stellar graphic to each and every one of the spöbs.

  3. Create a "Planet Type" wëap to be able to attack those stellars.

  4. Create an oütf resource to be able to buy that wëap.

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It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

Do a search and check some of the plugs for stellar destruction and view the contents. 😉
This will give you an idea of what will be needed to accomplish your goal!
I've never used them myself but I'll bet its pretty fun to "POP" a planet or station.
I also understand that you will get the whole planetary fleet to come out after you and probably get a really bad rating for that system and those associated with it!

I'm Lost!!!
I've gone to go look for myself.
If I show up before I get back, please make me wait.


Originally posted by !%@§#!=!&*?ś˘Ł™!:
**Do a search and check some of the plugs for stellar destruction and view the contents.;)
This will give you an idea of what will be needed to accomplish your goal!
I've never used them myself but I'll bet its pretty fun to "POP" a planet or station.
I also understand that you will get the whole planetary fleet to come out after you and probably get a really bad rating for that system and those associated with it!


The stellar defense fleet does not come out when you destroy a stellar object. Destroyable stellars are really only meant to be used for special missions (of the "bomb this station" or "stop the Death Star" variety).

And now, since this belongs on the Developers webboard, iMove...


"If it's not on fire, it's a software problem."

once you destroy a planet, in EVNova defualt, it will just regenerate, so you have to go through every spob and assign a -1 to their dead time. this makes them stay dead permenatly, instead of regenerating the second you jump to a diffrent system. it will take a long time to do this. i already had it done, and was going to post it, but i got side tracked, and now it has way to much other stuff on it to be submitted. i can redo another one though and post here. but it will be a at least 5-6 hours seeing how i am at work right now. (great job).

I know this is an old topic, but i posted for anyone who still might be interested in learning about makeing planets destructable.

I gave up trying to come up with my own sig.