Why is yesterday's topic nr.4255 "Escape Pod" inaccessable?

I was reading that topic yesterday morning and now it can't be accessed.
Clicking just brings up a "Sorry, we can't find the topic you requested" window.
Also noticed that the view count is zero, even though there were nine replies.
Is this a known wierdness of Infopop/UBB?


-Lost in the ozone again-

It was moved from the Nova board, and sometimes moving a topic can screw things up. If you really want to see what's in it, you can search the locked topics of the Nova board, it's still there.


Who is John Galt?
"I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"http://freefall.purrsia.com/")Freefall(/url)

Aha! It's a known weirdness of forum users that don't search further than the end of their own nose.


This board is a bit strange at times - after a moderator deletes or moves a topic, the board tends to take ages and ages to give confirmation. If the moderator gets bored and switches pages, then the move can sometimes be incomplete (ie it is locked on the original board, and a reference is created here, but the actual topic isn't moved) and this problem is created.

(url="http://"http://www.mazca.com/")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://"http://www.AmbrosiaSW.com/cgi-bin/ubb/forumdisplay.cgi?action=topics&number;=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
Go get your knife.

Blame it on the internet. 🙂

Damn bottlenecks ruin the whole topic moving experience for everyone... Thanks for the explain Mazca.


"How can I make it go faster?" -Me-

That was my post "escpae Pod". talk about irritating. you know, i don't mean to be rude, but be heard. they move my topics, but leave them closed so no one can still post on them. :frown:

i'll make a new topic here if any one wanted to post on it, but could'nt.

I gave up trying to come up with my own sig.

never mind. that post was asking question, i already have to plug made and is now waiting for the add-on page to be updated.

but if anyone is even a little interested in haveing a little more control as to where you go when your ship blows up, like back to polaris instead of the fed who want you dead, then email at: kartanik@yahoo.com

p.s. this plug does not work well with plug-ins and adds more outfits.
Though it depends on whether or not the other added outfits havea high anuff resource id( preferably higher then 600).

p.p.s the document including does not completly convay the traits of the plug. v1.3 will have an accurate readme document.

I gave up trying to come up with my own sig.