Not In A Long While


I'd just like to say hey again. I haven't used this webboard since POG came out, and then under a diff Login. Just wondering, are there any new Plugins in Development that are going to be out in the forseeable future? Just a question. Anyway, thanks Mods for keeping the BB alive.


Welcome back!
There is a listing of Upcoming Plugins for PoG here: (url="http://"")

Lit Nerd

"Fair is foul, and foul is fair: Hover through the fog and filthy air."--Macbeth Act I Scene I

Welcome back Cecil!

There are a few more plug-ins that are in development other than those listed on the upcomings page; mainly because the authors haven't submitted their projects... nudge nudge

Cha0s's plug-in has apparantly hit its final beta, so hopeflly it will be out shortly. Rubber Ducky is working on a plug-in as well which, depending how he does things, might be out soon as well.

TFM and Utian village are both a ways off still. Cafalll has had limited time to work on the plug, and Utian has hit a few bug-related snags that need to be worked out.

We also have a couple new plug-in designers which is always a sign of encouragement. So all is good.

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