Stoopid rank...

Does anyone remember how, ages ago, I posted a topic about rank problems for an EV:N plug?
Well, I've gotten a little better, but my main problem is that the one thing I set out to do (be a Nil'Kemorya) never worked. I've done tests on other things so that, for example, you would be a Federation Scout, with that rank, or a Bounty Hunter etc. and these all show up in "Honours" when you check the player stats, except for the Nil'Kemorya. I'm sure I've set the kXXX bit right, but It doesn't work!! Any help?

Preantepenultimate - the third from last.

I looked at the ränk resource (why is it called
; Nil'kemorya 1 ?)
and noticed, that neither the Rank Name nor the Short Name fields are filled out. That may be the reason. It is there but you can't see it, as it has no name. Fill in the names, maybe you can see it then. (This is only my guess, however, so please don't be disappointed if it doesn't work.)

I'm desperately trying to figure out why kamikaze pilots wore helmets. -Dave Edison


Originally posted by virmor:
**Does anyone remember how, ages ago, I posted a topic about rank problems for an EV:N plug?
Well, I've gotten a little better, but my main problem is that the one thing I set out to do (be a Nil'Kemorya) never worked. I've done tests on other things so that, for example, you would be a Federation Scout, with that rank, or a Bounty Hunter etc. and these all show up in "Honours" when you check the player stats, except for the Nil'Kemorya. I'm sure I've set the kXXX bit right, but It doesn't work!! Any help?


As he said, it might be an 'invisible' rank. Not sure though.


"Life is not to fear... Life is to enjoy." -
And don't you listen to these nitwits. Nova's a great game and don't let anyone tell ya otherwise. Better or worse than EVO? Who gives an african monkey's nads?

I haven't taken a look at the plug, but if the resource is really named "; Nil'kemorya 1" that is your problem. The semi-colon is the comment marker. This is a Mac thing, not just EV. So, your resource name is effectively blank, and EVN ignores blank names. If you change it to even "a; Nil'kemorya 1", you'll get "a" in the ranks dialog.


I kinda fixed it, using arions help but all it comes up with 'T5'

Preantepenultimate - the third from last.