help finishing a plugin...

I have been working on a plugin for quite some time (see link below) called the new axiom. I have done quite a bit of work but I'm interested in finding one or two people to help me finish it up. The quality so far is pretty top notch and so I am looking for people with experience in the following things:

-Programming Missions (I have ideas but am looking for someone to help put them together)
-Creating special weapons and other outfits
-Troubleshooting and overall balance of the plug

So far the plug incorporates more than 10 new planets with landing picts, two ships, a few governments, and about 10 missions. I really just need the help because I do not have as much time as I have had when I started working on it.

Again: I am only interested in a person or two with experience and good track record as far as quality and creativity. If I cannot find someone I will continue to plow through it at my snail pace. Thanks for your time.

(url="http://"")nova: the new axiom(/url)
(url="http://"") exploring a new era in music(/url)

(This message has been edited by polystatic (edited 06-09-2003).)

I don't have a ton of experience but I know how to write missions. I could help you. I have a lot of time this summer but I am also working on a plug of my own.
(edit) I can't do graphics(/edit)
(url="http://"")My Homepage(/url) - Home of the Hyperioid String

(This message has been edited by asdf (edited 06-10-2003).)

Experience is really not as important as being willing to take the time to be sure everything is right and bugfree. So far the New Axiom is looking/working really well. That's why I really want to be careful. The plug is already pretty big, in that there is a lot to go through if we find a mistake. And I imagine we will probably double (if not more) the missions, add at least one more ship, and a few more systems. By the way, all the planets, landing picts, and ships have original graphics, so it really is an expansion of the nova universe in more than just story...

Thanks for your response.

(url="http://"")nova: the new axiom(/url)
(url="http://"") exploring a new era in music(/url)