signature trouble

I want this to be my signature:

(url="http://"")Infini-d Maniac's Studios (aka curufinwe studios)(/url)
(url="http://"")BEST PROG METAL BAND(/url)
Yes I know my enemies
They're the teachers who taught me to fight them
Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission
Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite
All of which are the goverment's dreams! (goverment of every country)

But it wont work... i mean look at my signature!

(url="http://"")Infini-d Maniac's Studios (aka curufinwe studios)(/url)
(url="http://"")BEST PROG METAL BAND(/url)
Yes I know my enemies
They're the teachers who taught me to fight me


Originally posted by Curufinwe_Fëanor:
**I want this to be my signature:

Infini-d Maniac's Studios (aka curufinwe studios)
Yes I know my enemies
They're the teachers who taught me to fight them
Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission
Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite
All of which are the goverment's dreams! (goverment of every country)

But it wont work... i mean look at my signature!


You can only have 5 line in a sig, I had the samne problem a year ago 😄

"Saying Windows 95 is equal to Macintosh is like finding a potato that looks like Jesus and believing you've witnessed the second coming." -- Guy Kawasaki Don't click (url="http://"")here(/url) | (url="http://"")Click here(/url)
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Originally posted by Infinate:
I had the samne problem a year ago

Ummm... you were registered 3 months ago. Same as me.

You can get around that limit by having a lot of text without returns.


Did you know that 63.8% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot?
"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. .... Radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat." - Albert Einstein

(This message has been edited by Vaumnou (edited 06-07-2003).)


Originally posted by Vaumnou:
**Ummm... you were registered 3 months ago. Same as me.

A little off topic, but there is always the possibility, that he signed up for a new account 😉 Look at everything from diffrent angles!

-Kyle "Vader" Blessing
-(url="http://"")Homestar Runner(/url)
-Don't love, or hate... Just join the (Players Club)


Originally posted by Curufinwe_Fëanor:
**I want this to be my signature:

Infini-d Maniac's Studios (aka curufinwe studios)
Yes I know my enemies
They're the teachers who taught me to fight them
Compromise, conformity, assimilation, submission
Ignorance, hypocrisy, brutality, the elite
All of which are the goverment's dreams! (goverment of every country)


Know your enemy! na na na nanana na na na nanana!

Gotta love that song.


- "Children today are tyrants. They contradict their parents, gobble their food, and tyrannize their teachers." Socrates 460-399 BC. Some things never change!
- Yes, I do have a sense of humour, I just can't remember where I left it.
- Warning - High levels of dry sarcasm.

No matter how riveting the discussion of signatures is, I can't help but feel it doesn't really belong on the plugin developer's board. 😉

Posted Image

(url="http://"")Mazca(/url) , Moderator, (url="http://";=9&SUBMIT;=Go&urgaylol;=yes")EV Developer's Corner(/url)
Go get your knife.