Equipment question

I am a ranger and have just found the full elven plate or whatever the really powerful armor is called. As a ranger I cannot use it. Is this because I don't have enough strength or is it simply the way the game is programmed. I know in other rpg's items require certain attributes before you can use them. Is that the case here?

OW! Argh. Ooh. Stupid pothole! Don't worry head, the computer will do our thinking now!
-Homer Simpson-

It's the way the game is programmed; no matter how many strngth potions you drink, you'll never be able to use the Elven Full Plate. It does tell you that at the beginning of the game thought when you choose a Ranger, something about "You can only use light weapons and armor" or something like that. Have fun with your game!


Who is John Galt?
"I've never heard maniacal laughter from a robot before. It's good to have brought something new and wonderful into the world"-(url="http://"")Freefall(/url)

MickyBIs told you truth. Now you have something besides the tent to be perturbed about. However, you can sell the armor for a good price.

My Doctor said I was having too much wine, women, and song - so I gave up singing because 2 out of 3 is not so bad.
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Find those areas you missed the first time around. You'll want to explore those hidden areas now made accessible with Spells Expander.


Originally posted by Rubber Ducky:
Now you have something besides the tent to be perturbed about.

/me chortles.

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