Trouble with a topic.

Well, as I stated in a previous thread, I am taking over one of the Star Wars plugs. The trouble I am having is, in said previous thread, someone offered to help with graphics. However I can't get to the thread. It just doesn't seem to want to load. I know this is probably not the place to post this, but seeing as the thread in question is in this board, I posted this here anyway.

Can anyone tell me why I can't reach my topic, or if you are the person who offered help, tell me how to reach you?


It would help if you stated the name of the topic and what board it is on. This one or the Nova one?


Did you know that 63.8% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot?
"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. .... Radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat." - Albert Einstein

Pundit posted the topic "The fate of the Star Wars plug " on the Nova board, and, after a few posts, pipeline moved it over here on 5/27/03, but something screwed it up and you can't look at it.

What happened to Denb?

Starfleet Adventures: A Star Trek TC for EVN (url="http://"") Discussion Board (/url)
Starfleet Adventures (url="http://"")Progress Log(/url)
It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

He, jumped ship. All of the 10 e-mails I've sent he have gone unanswered. We are most likely going to redo the graphics from the old EVO Star Wars plug as best we can, just for temporary uses. We are going to put out a small filler/teaser plug, just to show that we are doing something. We, are having quite a few problems getting the work from Benden. I think he's going to flake out. So, that means we will be starting from scratch. Which in turn will mean the plug will be out later. Which consequently sucks. Mikey, is trying to do the graphics, as well as program, but I would like to find someone to do graphics to take the load off him. So, open call to any, and all graphics peeps. Drop a line if you are interested in helping.

Its all about the love. From the heart. Always with heart. Love, and heart.


I checked the topic. It's a known problem with these forums that pops up occasionally. There's not much I can do about it, I'll refer it to the admins.

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Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong. Jean-Jacques Rousseau


Originally posted by Pundit:
Its all about the love. From the heart. Always with heart. Love, and heart.


Isn't it always? Otherwise, no plug-in would ever get done. 🙂


"Life is not to fear... Life is to enjoy." -
And don't you listen to these nitwits. Nova's a great game and don't let anyone tell ya otherwise. Better or worse than EVO? Who gives an african monkey's nads?

Well, it can come from other places. I'm driven more by my brain (creativity) at this point than by the heart (love) on my current project. I have interesting ideas, and they force their way out into my project.

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