4th Level of Alchemy?

I am a level 23 ranger and I have learned all the spells up to level 3. I have not been presented with a chance to learn any more spells in quite a while. According to the walkthrough I am using it says that there is a 4th level spell called Minotaur Potion. I was under the impression that I would learn a new spell every 2 levels, but obviously that is not the case with this one. Is this a glitch or because it is the final spell do I have to go up more than 2 levels (ie: the higher spells in Gemstone III, for those of you that have played it). I am using Trinity (obviously) and spells expander.

OW! Argh. Ooh. Stupid pothole! Don't worry head, the computer will do our thinking now!
-Homer Simpson-

I'm pretty sure the third level potions are the highest you learn that way. On the other hand, there is a way to learn about a potion without leveling up. If you really want to know, look below:
Talk to Norgha at Norgha Village and ask to see his ingredients. You should find a "Minotaur Potion" book that sells for 6000(?)GP. Buy and use that, and you'll have the ability to become a Minotaur! The herbalist near the learning tree also sells a transformation book, the Spider Potion book. Guess what that does 🙂


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(This message has been edited by MickyBIs (edited 03-11-2003).)