Strata Texturing

Okay, time for Round 2 of Help The Moron!

Here's the picture:

Posted Image

First of all, ignore the bland texturing. I'm working on it. Remain calm.

As you may or may not be able to tell, the textures are stretching, rather than tiling, which is what would look better. Can anyone offer any insight? Also, does anyone know of any way I can spruce this up in Strata 3D base without adding new objects? Like overlaying textures, or adding decals or something? Basically, what are some texture tips that the resident pros here could impart? I've looked through some documentation, but I'm pretty wiped from my earlier research efforts with Wings.




I hate UBB Code.

(This message has been edited by nameless (edited 06-01-2003).)


Originally posted by nameless:
**As you may or may not be able to tell, the textures are stretching, rather than tiling, which is what would look better. Can anyone offer any insight? Also, does anyone know of any way I can spruce this up in Strata 3D base without adding new objects? Like overlaying textures, or adding decals or something? Basically, what are some texture tips that the resident pros here could impart? I've looked through some documentation, but I'm pretty wiped from my earlier research efforts with Wings.

I've been known for confusing people but here goes.

To get the textures to tile, you have to scale them down. See the X, Y and Z scale feilds right below the texture names box in the texture tab of the object properties window?

For this pic, it looks like you should scale by 50% on the y axis. So set the y feild to 50%.

You can add decals by making a texture that has an opacity map. You import the decal into the map slot, then in the stencil feild at the lower left of all the different texture window options, you put the opacity map.

/Skyfox walks off leaving someone else compleatly confused.

"Two things are certian in this life. The universe, and human stupidity. ...Though i'm not so sure about the universe."

/me tries to redeem himself.

Posted Image

That is the window he is talking about, though it's from a windows version. Make the number the cursor is over smaller, and it will have a more fine texture. Make it larger, and it will be more pixelated.

Eat blazing electric death!
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Also, try playing with the different types of Mapping the texture onto the object.

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