Free Landscape Pics


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
You can find tons of Terragen-created pics at

Really? You know, Terragen doesn't support vegetation yet. Most of the pics I saw on webshots had vegetation (trees, grass, etc.). Can you post a link to the specific part of the site where you found the Terragen pics?


Did you know that 63.8% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot?
"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. .... Radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat." - Albert Einstein

Sure! I used their search feature, inputting "Terragen," and found this: (url="http://";=36&I1.y;=19")
According to the search, I found 278 pics! I dunno how many people created them, but that would be a good starting point. So far, of the ones in the search, I've found a couple of creators: (url="http://"")LINK(/url) and
(url="http://"")LINK2(/url) . I'll post more as I come to them.
BTW: Did y'all learn to use Terragen by the tutorials? Or did you just "muddle along?"

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 05-12-2003).)

Here's a few more:


Lotsa these are mixed in with their creator's other artwork.
~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 05-12-2003).)

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 05-12-2003).)


Originally posted by CaptAceHarddrive:
BTW: Did y'all learn to use Terragen by the tutorials? Or did you just "muddle along?"

No tutorials for me! I just fiddled around with it. The interface is easy to figure out.


Did you know that 63.8% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot?
"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"
"You see, wire telegraph is a kind of a very, very long cat. You pull his tail in New York and his head is meowing in Los Angeles. .... Radio operates exactly the same way: you send signals here, they receive them there. The only difference is that there is no cat." - Albert Einstein

I dunno if you d/l'ed any of the plugins/utilities..., but there's a resource list on the Terragen webpage: (url="http://"")LINK(/url). There's something there for vegetation (importing from another program, or painting it). Also, there's a Yahoo group for Terragen users. A few more links you might find useful:


~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 05-13-2003).)

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 05-13-2003).)

Has anyone tried Carol Brooksbank's tutorials? I'm stuck on page number one: Making a Start. I've clicked on "Generate Terrain," then in the box, clicked on "Generate Terrain." I've done this many times, yet I get no areas of water, like the tut says I should. I haven't changed anything, I'm following the tut to the letter. Can anyone help?

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

Say, Jules (or anyone else that has lunar cell or any other software or experience at making high-quality planet graphics), would you be willing to make about 30-40 planet/moon picts for me of varying types? Email me if you're interested (anyone), and I'll tell you what I need. I don't need landing picts, I just need the planets-in-a-system graphics for my TC. Any interested artists should email me and we can work out the details.

Edit: I already have enough people, so I probably won't consider any new applicants.

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"The more you ask a pot if it's boiling yet, the longer it will take to boil." -mrxak

(This message has been edited by mrxak (edited 05-14-2003).)

Here's my first attempt (using Carol Brooksbank's tutorial-page one):

Posted Image

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

(This message has been edited by CaptAceHarddrive (edited 05-14-2003).)

Second pic:

Posted Image

~Ace 😄

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild

CRAP! Those pics are good! I should download it. I'm making a hyperioid plugin. COuld someone make and post some landingpics that might go with hyperioids? Maybe a few yellowish, one purple haze maybe, some like that one with the bliss affect? Thanks!


Here are three pics that go together. Baiscally this planets sun is dying and as it does the planet is getting colder. I have background sized versions of these if anyone happens to want them.

Posted Image

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Help save Ares, write a plugin!


Originally posted by Ragashingo:
**Here are three pics that go together. Baiscally this planets sun is dying and as it does the planet is getting colder. I have background sized versions of these if anyone happens to want them.


Pretty nice...

Only one complaint -- if the sun was dying, wouldn't it turn red? Or has it already done that and it's turning into a white dwarf?

Mike Lee (Firebird)
Visit Cymltaneous Solutions: (url="http://"")
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Originally posted by Firebird:
**Pretty nice...

Only one complaint -- if the sun was dying, wouldn't it turn red? Or has it already done that and it's turning into a white dwarf?


The first pic shows the planet as it was when first colonized, the sun in that pic is for all the people can tell is just fine, the second pic is where the sun is outputting less heat and is just starting to die. The thrid pic the sun has gotten even worse and the planet is becoming uninhabitable. Notice in the thrid pic all the redish tint, that isn't the terrian getting red its red light coming from the sun.

Help save Ares, write a plugin!

Posted Image
Posted Image

BTW, does anybody here know how much terragen will cost?

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You can use if for as long as you want unregistered, but arent allowed to use it commercially. Also you dont get the full range of features (some things are disabled). The full registered version is Ł55 or $70/79. Thats how it is for the PC, and I assume it will be the same for mac.


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thats a nice price!

(url="http://"")Curufinwe Studios(/url) | (url="http://"")Pixels 3D(/url) | (url="http://"")Apple(/url)
(url="http://"")BEST PROG METAL BAND(/url)


Originally posted by Curufinwe_Fëanor:
thats a nice price!

What? Free? Yeah, I like that price too 😛


(url="http://"")Ewan's Lair(/url) | (url="http://"")Dreamwave(/url) | (url="http://"")Northern Swamp(/url) | (url="http://"")EVula's Lair(/url)
"In this world gone mad, we won't spank the monkey - the monkey will spank us!"

Actually, I'd be hard pressed to buy a modelling program for less than $100, so $70 is a good price. Now that I'm home for the summer, I finally downloaded Terragen, and it is indeed very nice. I might post a pic when I become a bit more skilled. Does anyone know how to make multiple suns, or if this is even possible? It's vital for a specific shot I have in mind...

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I posted your question on the Terragen group bbs, CB, here's the start of the discussion:
(url="http://"") From what I gather, there's no way to do multiple suns in Terragen, but you can do separate images (with the sun in a different position each time) and post-process it in a program like Paint Shop Pro (what I use) and combine them into one image. Hope it helps.

~Ace 🙂

"There is simply nothing in life more worth doing than kicking ass for money." - J. S. Jordan, Mercenaries Guild