cheat ship plugin won't work

Something's wrong with my cheat ship plugin where I can buy all my new outfits, but none of the existing ones. I can't even buy a galactic map.

As I understand it, this indicates my ship resource is corrupt or incomplete, but I checked my plugin several times, and used the EVN Bible templates to make the ship resource.

I'm using a newly downloaded EVN 1.0.4 setup.


forgot to add:

if anyone is willing to look at my plugin, email me at


Have you simply made a new pilot?

if the new pilot can cheat all the way, then its just your old pilot. Even so .... another cheat? Why not simply download one of the already-existing cheats. They're all basically the same, and equally boring....

Try the hotpockets, they're breathtaking


Originally posted by wcx:
**Something's wrong with my cheat ship plugin where I can buy all my new outfits, but none of the existing ones. I can't even buy a galactic map.

As I understand it, this indicates my ship resource is corrupt or incomplete, but I checked my plugin several times, and used the EVN Bible templates to make the ship resource.

I'm using a newly downloaded EVN 1.0.4 setup.


I'm sorry wcx, but people on this board are not very receptive to helping people with cheating. In the future, try wording your request to seem less like you want to cheat, and more like you want to learn how to "edit" plugs.

Ship resource? There's no reason why outfits should be in the ship resource.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

If you are merely using the TMPLs that were included with the bible, I highly recommend that you download (url="http://"")NovaTools(/url). This is a graphical editor for all of the resources, and is much easier to use than the TMPLs alone.

As for not being able to purchase outfits, did you set any contribute flags in your ship? Try to open the light shuttle, copy the contribute from there, and paste it into your ship. I believe the flag is A6, but I am not sure.

Good luck!

Eat blazing electric death!
(url="http://"")Unofficial EV and EVO Ports(/url): Betas 3 and 2


Originally posted by SpacePirate:
I believe the flag is A6, but I am not sure.

It's 5A. If it's not set, your ship gets treated like a Vell-os mentally projected ship (thus incapable of having mechanical outfits installed).

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Ah, right. I knew it was one of those... 😛

Eat blazing electric death!
(url="http://"")Unofficial EV and EVO Ports(/url): Betas 3 and 2

Thanks to all who replied, even those with discouraging answers.

I don't like cheating, but my grrrl (who plays EVN on my Mac so much that she doesn't notice how much I play Counter-Strike on her PC) asked me to make her a GOD starship.

Eh. The things we do when lacking in blood to the brain.
