i was told to take this post about a new plug-in idea here so here i take it...

when you start a new pilot all the basic weapons and outfits are kinda a let down, you don't really get to soup up a ship untill you are in a mission string. is it possible that there could be a new minor string about the size of sigma where you join a guild of hackers or scrappers, and by the end you develop a new skill where whenever you board a ship instead of just being able to steal credits, goods, energy or the ship itself you could take tech. this minor string would come with its own station or like in sigma its own area on a platet where you can take the tech. and have it fitted on to your ship for a pretty penny. Or maybve you could just scrap the ship steal the outfit (this way you can't take anything else from the ship or try to capture it when your done) and next time you land on a station with an outfitter you can have it istalled for a slightly less pretty penny. this way you could have a civilian ship with fun outfits or a string ship with outfits from other strings so some of us don't have to resort to cheating to get cloaking devices and bio lasers. i know I can't do this but if anyone out there likes the idea enought to try and make a patch i would be much obliged and you would be my hero 😄 ( i also posted this in teh nova board and there is some feedback if anyone wants to read that)


This topic was already moved to here by a moderator already under " just an idea for a new fun nova plugin... if any one likes please make it "
so read the comments there

Preantepenultimate - the third from last.

(This message has been edited by virmor (edited 05-01-2003).)

Oh goody, I get to lock something today! 😄

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"The more you ask a pot if it's boiling yet, the longer it will take to boil." -mrxak