Help with plug-ins, please.

Hi, Plug-In newbie here.

I have a few questions about making a plug-in. First, how do I have multiple flags, and how do they work? Do I use each flag like this: 0x000# 0x000# x0h000 ect? Or is there another way? Third, where can I find Strata 3D for free? The FAQ says it is now a free appliation, but seems to be a 3d glasses site. Also, how can I change the color shading of a ship? For example, a grey Viper. I've never edited graphics like this before, so any help is very much appreciated. Fourth, I have a recalcitrant spob. It says "Cannot land, too hostile". How do I fix that? Thanks,


(url="http://"")The Warsmith(/url)
A Journey Into the Stars:
(url="http://"")Part One,(/url) (url="http://"")Part Two,(/url) (url="http://"")Part Three,(/url) More to come soon!
Thi...thi...this cheesecake had like... a chocolate crust and some chocolate in the cheesecake filling and like some dark chocolate shavings on top and then you take a bite and you're like "Hey, this is all chocolate, there's no cheescake here" and then you get this big burst of cheesecakey flavory goodness and then you die because after that there's no point in living any more because you've pretty much peaked.


Flags are combined by adding the digits of all the flags you want:
0x0001 + 0x0020 = 0x0021
0x0001 + 0x0002 = 0x0003
However, these numbers are in hexidecimal. Which is like decimal, if you have six extra fingers. In decimal, any digit in a number can be one of the following: 0123456789
In hexidecimal, any digit can be one of the following: 0123456789ABCDEF
A = 10, B = 11, C = 12, etc.
When you add two hexidecimal numbers which are flags, don't carry if a digit goes above 9. Just use A - F:
0x0004 + 0x0006 = 0x000A

Add together all the flags you want, and then put that into the field in ResEdit.

What exactly do you mean by changing the color of a Viper? Do you mean actually creating a new graphic with different textures on the model, or do you mean a paint outfit?

(edit) You can get Strata from (url="http://"")this site(/url), courtesy of Jules.


Did you know that 63.8% of quoted statistics are made up on the spot?
"He's too late. SEE?!? THE CLIFFS OF INSANITY!!! Hurry up!"

(This message has been edited by Vaumnou (edited 04-13-2003).)

I THINK I understand what you just said. What I got is, 0x0158 Would be 0x0003 + 0x0005 + 0x0050 + 0x0100, right? So let's say that if I wanted to have both 0x000004 and 0x000002 AND 0x000040 I would put in: 0x000046. Right? Or wrong? Anyway, on the topic of graphics, I would like to use a paint outfit in this particular case to change the color to Grey. How would I do this? But since we've broached the question, how WOULD I go about making a new graphic with textures, spin, ect.

EDIT: Also, I have some models and spin resources from Ewan's excellent shipyard (props!). How do I get them into the game? Thanks.

(url="http://"")The Warsmith(/url)
A Journey Into the Stars:
(url="http://"")Part One,(/url) (url="http://"")Part Two,(/url) (url="http://"")Part Three,(/url) More to come soon!
Thi...thi...this cheesecake had like... a chocolate crust and some chocolate in the cheesecake filling and like some dark chocolate shavings on top and then you take a bite and you're like "Hey, this is all chocolate, there's no cheescake here" and then you get this big burst of cheesecakey flavory goodness and then you die because after that there's no point in living any more because you've pretty much peaked.

(This message has been edited by EldritchEvil (edited 04-13-2003).)


Originally posted by EldritchEvil:
I THINK I understand what you just said. What I got is, 0x0158 Would be 0x0003 + 0x0005 + 0x0050 + 0x0100, right? So let's say that if I wanted to have both 0x000004 and 0x000002 AND 0x000040 I would put in: 0x000046. Right? Or wrong?

Nope. 0x0158 would be 0x0008+0x0010+0x0040+0x0100.

The initial numbers are limited to powers of two, and only one of those per digit. However, your final number can be anything from 0 (duh) to F (1+2+4+8).

As written, your second number is correct. However, if that was put into the templates, you would get an error. The fields (I think) are either 4 or 8 places (IE 0x0046 or 0x00000046).

With respect to your question of changing the actual ship RLë8's and RLëD's, Photoshop is pretty much the way to go, though the GIMP has worked for some people. Use (url="http://"")w00tware's EnRLE/DeRLE(/url) to turn the sprites into PICT resources, then either copy, or export to Photoshop. Modify as necessary, and then put the result in a PICT resource and run it through EnRLE.

As for adding ships to the game, if you have PICT resources, just run them through EnRLE.

"If you can't feel the Force, you're not pushing it." -Prof. Li on the "Force"
Got g?
(url="http://"")Real astronomers use kilometers. Hardcore astronomers use centimeters.(/url)

Somebody made a good explanation of hex (and even more importantly, how it worked in NovaTools) a while back. I think I have it bookmarked somewhere (or I could search). In any case, its late so I'll post a link tomorow probably.

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< . . . . . >

But isn't that just rearranging the numbers? And what do you mean by powers of two? One isn't a power of two... I'm so confused. If the sum is the same, what does it matter how you arrange the numbers? Two plus three is the same as three plus two, right?

(url="http://"")The Warsmith(/url)
A Journey Into the Stars:
(url="http://"")Part One,(/url) (url="http://"")Part Two,(/url) (url="http://"")Part Three,(/url) More to come soon!
Thi...thi...this cheesecake had like... a chocolate crust and some chocolate in the cheesecake filling and like some dark chocolate shavings on top and then you take a bite and you're like "Hey, this is all chocolate, there's no cheescake here" and then you get this big burst of cheesecakey flavory goodness and then you die because after that there's no point in living any more because you've pretty much peaked.

1 is a power of 2: 2^0=1

The whole adding thing has to do with binary, which is the mode computers work best in.
Each digit in 0x0000 represents a four bits. These bits have two states, 0 and 1. Thus the maximum number of different states of the digit is 15. These range from 0000 (0) to 1011 (11 or 🆒 to 1111 (15 or F).

The best explanation I can offer is by counting on your hand. If each finger represents a digit, you can count to 5 on one hand. If on the other hand, you count each finger as being a digit, with two possible states per digit, you can count as high as 31 on one hand. Since memory is precious, even on modern computers, they use similar methods. It is just more memory efficient to count 7 as 1+2+4 (0111), or on your hand as thumb, pointer, and middle finger.

Does this make any sense?

"If you can't feel the Force, you're not pushing it." -Prof. Li on the "Force"
Got g?
(url="http://"")Real astronomers use kilometers. Hardcore astronomers use centimeters.(/url)