New idea for an add-on.

I came up with a new idea. The terrans are enslaved, the ones who aren't are Pirates, the Empire is falling apart, and there is a new Rebellion starting, there is only one problem the Terrans have finally gotten somewhere in the Empire and don't really want to leave, or do they? 😛



Originally posted by EVWeb:
**I came up with a new idea. The terrans are enslaved, the ones who aren't are Pirates, the Empire is falling apart, and there is a new Rebellion starting, there is only one problem the Terrans have finally gotten somewhere in the Empire and don't really want to leave, or do they?:p


I say run with it. (C.S.P.)If you want some good ideas on how to stretch the engine, check out my Master List of Unused Ideas for Plugs thread.(/C.S.P.)

Suddenly, the little scoutship disappeared and then reappeared right behind the alien warfleet. The gravitic ship's captain hailed the armada. "You are going to be destroyed, but I will give you a choice as to how you want to spend eternity: big pieces, little pieces, or quarks?"
Dead silence.
"Quarks it is, then."