Quick KeyCarried Question


Originally posted by UncleTwitchy:
**I may give it a try, but then again, I might not -- after all, this is for a TNG/DS9/VOY era ship, and I really need to concentrate on the TOS/Movie era stuff if I'm ever going to finish this -- in other words, this really something that needs to be solved right away, and possibly not even by me when all's said and done -- I just wanted to prove that it could be done, and it can -- sort of.

Oh, here's an interesting bit -- the AI version of this ship does indeed split into three pieces, but the launched ship never picks up the ship it launched.


I'm just now getting to this portion of the EVN Bible.. and I'm curious. How does it look when the two rejoin? Does it still have the appearance of a fighter zipping back into a bay, or is the effect different, like the two pieces re-attach more realistically? So essentially, is there any transition, or is it just like standard fighters docking, and the old graphic just sort of pops up?


I think that you don't see many love stories in EV simply because the engine isn't quite geared towards that. What are you going to do, keep meeting your significant other in a bar (or, with Nova, the Outfitter, Shipyard, or Trade Center) and have questions like "Will you go out on a date with me?" | Yes/No | "Great, pick me up on <DST> in a month and we'll have dinner."?

Standard fighter docking.

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< . . . . . >

Exactly -- the original graphic just pops up once the KeyCarried ship docks.

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It is better to feed the goat than it is today.

Will the first ship launched redock before recalling it's fighter? And if so does that revert your three part ship into the whole ship, yet still have 1/3 running around?

"Damn, everybody wants something up their ass today! Yeah, I'm cool like that." - forge

As a matter of fact, it does indeed, and then the remaining 1/3rd just acts based on its AI and no longer acts like a fighter.

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It is better to feed the goat than it is today.