Working with spin/rle8/rled

Aright, I'm screwing around trying to do a variety of simple things with novatools. I decide to try and make a new planet graphic. I do so, and then go looking for the resources that store planetary graphics. I found them, but their functioning completely mystifies me. There's nothing about these resources in the bible- are there any other guides that talk about how to deal with these?

I tried to make a spin using picts, but nova decided it was just going to use its default rled resources instead, so I'm stumped again...

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,



Originally posted by Austinc:
**Aright, I'm screwing around trying to do a variety of simple things with novatools. I decide to try and make a new planet graphic. I do so, and then go looking for the resources that store planetary graphics. I found them, but their functioning completely mystifies me. There's nothing about these resources in the bible- are there any other guides that talk about how to deal with these?

I tried to make a spin using picts, but nova decided it was just going to use its default rled resources instead, so I'm stumped again...

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,

Run a file with only the spďn and pict resources through (url="http://"")EnRLE(/url) and you'll get a nice little file with the picts and spďns* converted into rle8 and rled resources.

*works on shäns too!

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run a search.

On a more detailed note, rle8 and rleD are both compressed versions of PICT sprites (that we know and love from EV and EVO) than EVN uses. I heard that even if you use PICT sprites, it converts to rles (so you'd might as well use rles in your plug to speed nova a bit), but I don't know if it's true. Anyway, MadFax was partially helpful. EnRLE comes in a pack with DeRLE, which converts rle resources to PICT resources. Spďns are used for everything from planets to weapons, except for ships. Ships are controlled by the shän resource, which contains more fields for information (such as base sprite resource ids, engine glow information, running lights information, weapon exit points, animation on sprites, etc).

Again, my suggestion is to run a search on the topic, because there are lots with even more information than I've given here.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."

On another note, it is best not to use PICT sprites in Nova, because it can have some... problems with them. I recommend using the EnRLE tool. Its really quite easy when you figure out how ot use it, which can take some time. Just make sure that your masks and your base sprite image are the same size, or you can get some weird graphics :)...


Is it neccessary to have both reL8 (the 8-bit form) and reLD (16-bit) in a plug file? and if you only have the reLD will people with 8-bit colours be able to use your plug?

Only including the reLD is strictly to make the plug file smaller.

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Originally posted by Andcarne:
**Just make sure that your masks and your base sprite image are the same size, or you can get some weird graphics:)...


That's pretty much given, considering that there's only one place to enter sprite values for the masks and sprites combined...


Originally posted by thedecline:
Is it neccessary to have both reL8 (the 8-bit form) and reLD (16-bit) in a plug file?

Not strictly, but keep reading my answer.


and if you only have the reLD will people with 8-bit colours be able to use your plug?

I'm pretty sure no.


Only including the reLD is strictly to make the plug file smaller.

I don't think that makes much of a difference, unless you either have a) lots of graphics, or 🆒 your sprites are REALLY huge.


"Nothing is fool-proof to a sufficiently talented fool."


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**That's pretty much given, considering that there's only one place to enter sprite values for the masks and sprites combined...

Exactly, so when the files are different sizes, pixel wise, funny things happen 🙂


Originally posted by what_is_the_matrix:
**I don't think that makes much of a difference, unless you either have a) lots of graphics, or🆒 your sprites are REALLY huge.



Actually, just a few ships can take up a LOT of space. Im working on a rather large plug right now, and i already have 6 ships files, each between 15-25 megs. (ResEdit does not allow file sizes bigger then 15, supposedly, but it stops saving at different sizes each time.)

This plug has only the same number of ships as nova did. Picts, Rle*'s and other graphics take up a lot of space.



Originally posted by Andcarne:
Actually, just a few ships can take up a LOT of space. Im working on a rather large plug right now, and i already have 6 ships files, each between 15-25 megs. (ResEdit does not allow file sizes bigger then 15, supposedly, but it stops saving at different sizes each time.)

As well as the file size limits, there are also limits on the number of resources you can have in one file. You're best to err on the side of multiple files, as having too many resources in one file can cause data corruption, which isn't always immediately apparent.

David Arthur
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If anyone is particularly interested in the true nature of rlë8/D sprites, I wrote some very extensive explanations of them in an earlier topic - do a search!

If you aren't a developer, don't bother, they are very detailed and not much use for graphic artists!


Kane O'Donnell

Kane O'Donnell